Hello.. Sorry for disturbing you.. My apologies but I am captured by your nickname.. Is so important here in Italy and all the world love il padrino.. The Godfather by Francis Ford Coppola my best ever beautiful movie in al the world... Sorry again.. Nice to meet you I am Glenda.. Sorry for bothering you and for my English I am from Italy and I am trying to do my best 🙏🙏🙏🙏

You do not disturb me at all.  I agree that both The Godfather and The Godfather 2 are great!  Godfather3 not as much.  You are a beautiful, beautiful woman.  My father was born in Italy, Calabria, to be specific.  What part of Italy are you from?
Wowwww I love it... We are cousins... My father is from Naples and my mom is from Calabria in a city called Catanzaro.. I grew up in Turin in the north of Italy but now I am living in Naples where I work with my cousin in a tattoo shop here but now we're closed since 3month for quarantine ❤️❤️❤️