Oh my god....Im posting again! For now. Yay for non-commitment!
Well, I was engaged up until today. Of course I have done the whole crying my eyes out thing but I am feeling relieved. I met the woman of my dreams. We fell in love. Then she changed and became a person so full of regret and anger that I could no longer love her without causing great harm to myself. Now I simply mourn...
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So here I sit. Random thoughts:

Men fear prison mainly due to the possibility of being raped. A man in an American prison has about a 18% chance of being raped. Hence the fear. Women have a 27% chance of being raped simply living their lives in the real world, not prison. Perhaps the male gender could learn about and change the way women are...
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Those are great random thoughts. Thanks for your comment on the feminism thread. It's great when people can entry a conversation unbiased and openminded with intelligent thoughts or solutions. Take care of that hangover tommorrow. Later
You have a cool attitude, FFG. So what's your clan? Are you into any Scottish bands? I'm in love with Dawn Of The Replicants, Delgadoes, Mogwai, Life Without Buildings (kinda Scottish) and Arab Strap.
You know, every day I wake up and meditate to get my self-esteem up and then this website makes fun of me for having no friends! frown smile
hey a canuck who scored to the right eh! oh yeah and spongebob is cool with me. what part of canda anyways?
You'll never guess......Calgary. Bet that was a surprise eh!
as I sit here and type and listen to Ministry, I realize that I have no beer in the house....this must be remedied.
...and being that sharing is not one of my strong points, I would make a lousy communist.... biggrin
Well, I move into my Condo soon. That should be loads of fun whatever Oh well, at least no more roommates. Not that my roommates were bad roommates, quite the opposite really....its just that I am the type of guy who was held back a year in KINDEGARTEN because of my apparent lack of social development. In the 2nd year of kindergarten they realized that I...
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