hurray for the new NIN album. he did it once again. perfect. Question to ponder.... will this be what i am looking for? Signs point towards YES! kiss
is quitting your job supposed to feel like this? should i be feeling guilty or should i be happy for meeting my personal goal? what ever. looking for a day job. mad surreal
wtf. i went surfing into unknown waters tonight.... found this site, myspace.com.. i don't get it why are there people my age making 6 figure salaries and driving around in pimped out bmw's? are there any people who actually work for a living and if they are luck make a whopping 20,000? Sorry, i just get a little bit jealous of high rollers. bad ryan,...
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hahah, volks is short for volkswagan. i just joined myspace.com last night. i can't believe people would actually tell people that online. you never know they could be candy coating it. if not, then i am a bit jealous as well.
some of my actual real life friends on myspace say they make like 250000 plus, and i think. uh. i just hung out with you at your parent's house, and had to buy you dinner. i work full time and go to grad school.

oh, i fucking love myspace.
oh and so doens't our president....
fuck. kiss
why is it that when ever i have a few days off from work i am totally unproductive? it gets very frustrating when you wake up and get ready for work, and then realize how lazy you have been. ARRR!!!
a note to anybody who might be reading this... lucky you. any ways just got a new disc. Telegram. really good remixes of some bjork songs. highly recommended!!!
other than that not much has been happening. went over to my bro's house to redo his floor, but other than that i've just been working and sleeping. God, please save me from this awful place. frown
sorry about the absence... been away for awhile... but im back now smile
mmm. new entry. the past few weeks have been treating me well. everything seemed to be really chill, but the other party thought there wasn't an acknowledgment of the set boundries. they weren't worried that i was passing them. they were just reiderating themselves.. for a minute i thought she was thinking of me as a "normal guy." i know i'm not like the others...
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Wow, sounds like there is a lot going on. I hope the day is well for you.

Being vegan is awesome, being labeled sucks. i know the feeling as I just went the vegan way myself.

No, I have no idea. As soon as I hear anything it will be in the group. smile