Finally my pics are up! Mad props to Nelok for helping me!

I also bought a new desk chair so I don't kill my back anymore. Some assembly required.

Word of the day: obfuscate
i work at a grocery store. people are very, very rude.
oh well.

oooh!! you like death cab. do you like the postal service too? they are my latest obsession.
furniture assembly...one of my favorite passtimes
Do you want to know about me? Okay. Me too. I'm in a mood.

I HATE water chestnuts. Suck it.

When I was little I pushed a girl down my porch steps because she pissed me off. This is not something I'm proud of, but I can't help but smirk. I'm sure she's alive. Unless, she's not. But she was alive after I pushed her....
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i never really pushed anybody when i was a kid. not even my little sister. because she was younger than me, i would handicap the fights and let her win...

once my mom came in the house and i was backed into a corner with a book and my sister was crouched in front of me weilding a very sharp pencil.

also, one time my mom and sister were outside and i went to the bathroom and was so small i got my bum stuck in the toilet. my sister came in and saw me and giggled and went back outside and didn't tell mom. by the time my mom came in i had already cried all i could.
*waves back*
*sun sets*

*waits for last 10 days of membership to run out*

*feels awkward*

*runs away*
I really rarely remember my dreams. People tell me these long descriptive dreams and it just sounds so made up to me, because I never remember mine like that.

Also, I never have nightmares. I just get these "unpleasant" dreams. It's great. Some of these I vaguely remember. They mostly involve me trying to get away from someone, like a stalker, or a bad person....
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The did some survey or study years back,

And said that generally, a person fogets about 97% of their dreams from their slumber, within 8 minutes of waking. So I guess it would be rare to remember much of anything after a while. But really, how did they figure out this 97% and 8 minute thing?

I used to chronicle my dreams, as soon as I woke up, I'd just write the words as they came to me for the first ten mintues after waking up. After time, I did start noticing I could remember more and more everyday-using that discipline. Sadly, I stopped doing it after a couple of years.

As far as dreams themselves go, who knows. there are to many theories out there, but i find it amazing that modern science still can't figure them out.

Incidently, if you ever dream of your teeth falling out, it means someone in your family is going to die-This is only to several dream dictionaries. I dreamed about my teeth falling out the other day, and nothing yet. I'm not complaining though.

Oh, I've gone on a tangent again-sorry

Anyway, Happy 4th, and thanks for the happy early birthday wishes, i hope it's a good weekend for you.

i also can't remember my dreams.. wierd, nice to know im not the only one
Not written by me. I just really like this one.

8 count

from my bed

i watch

3 birds

on a telephone


one flies




one is left,


it too

is gone.

my typewriter is



and i am

reduced to bird


just thought i'd

let you


heh, that is great-
I really like the last line-I liked it all, but the last line really put a jitter in my belly.
The dishwasher came! But now we're too tired to set it up. We really, really need clean dishes, though. Like, there is nothing clean. Not even a fork.

I got bad sleep because Nelok and all of his geeky friends were over late last night playing geeky games. Geeks.

Someone come over and dye my streaks for me. They need to be done. I had...
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I read "King, Queen, Knave" by Nabokov, not his best, but still better than most novels.

I was surprised that we watched American Beauty. Everyone that I talked to in class had already seen it. You'd think he would choose stuff that most people hadn't seen, guess not though.

I'm jealous, I wish I had a dishwasher.
same birthday! wooo!

do you have a problem with yours? i mean, mine seems to be broken, every year something kind of bad happens, and therefore i end up celebrating it for three weeks to make up for it. i figure that it's just natures way of keeping me cynical.

i own and know most of the words to strangers with candy. i saw the kids in the hall when they did their live tour. it was great.
Did I make a mistake not getting a kitten? Tell me I'm a good person even though I didn't get one!

We are both allergic, though. And...the cords!

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? I say Japan.

Word of the day: erbium
You're a good person,

If you're allergic to cats, it's ofcourse quite understandable that you not get one or two. I'm allergic myself-but own two cats. I'm one of the fortunate ones that can for some reason grow immune to them quite fast though. Still, when I visit my grandmothers, and her 15 plus cats, my eyes and nose shut down-lol

If I could go anywhere? That's tough, but I'd say England for now, they speak english, so I wouldn't have to hard of a time translating anything. I had a roommate that spent a year in Japan-she made it sound like pure torture.
I'm so glad to be back! I missed Nelok and all of my SG crushes.

We stopped to get cherries on the way home and the cherry store was next to a farm. The farm had kittens. They said we could take them! We didn't. I was really, really tempted, though. They were so adorable. I'm allergic, though, and with all of Nelok's electronic crap...
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i dont think you have that much time, and i definitely know i dont want to write that much. how about this...states ive lived in (in chronological order): montana, nebraska, north dakota, michigan, wyoming, oregon, california, oregon again. everything about me is a long story so i wont bore you.
It's not everyone that can resist free kittens.

I just bought a compact dishwasher. Nelok and I have given up on doing dishes. It's sad but very funny. But once I get that dishwasher that's all I'll be doing. I'll give it love, and hugs, and feed it and tell it that I love it more than anything in this whole wide world.

Anyway, I'm leaving bright and early tomorrow for Door County....
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i really like your picture. you look so trusting.
Just when crappy ol Summerfest opens up you hightail it to Door County...good idea. Saying you are newer, I thought I would say Allo. You have Self listed in bands which is super cute, you have Icestorm listed in movies which is great, and you listed 1984 in your books. A fair overall first opinion you have made.

edieted for the fact that I can't type

[Edited on Jun 29, 2003]
Work was boring today. I'm getting really good at solitaire, though. I spice up my day by choosing another deck.

Nelok got a haircut today and it's totally hot. That's not it in his picture, though.

We've been getting some hot weather lately. It'll only get worse. I'm so not an outside person. I don't like it hot, I don't like it cold, I like...
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i'm with you on the weather thing.

you're a cute couple.
I had fun adding SG pictures to the "my favorite pics" section. They're the best, if I do say so myself.

I'm searching Amazon to put together an order. So far I'm thinking of Strangers With Candy Season 1, some Dntel album, pre-order Mr. Show Season 3, Nelok (and I) wants a couple Miyazaki things. God, I love SWC. It's been such a long time...
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fork you
I have to chime in on the side of sporks here......it has all the utility of a fork, but it also works as a spoon, how can you beat that?

This is why I don't drink caffeine after supper time. It stays in me and then I can't sleep. My mind just won't stop racing. I hardly ever drink caffeine, so when I do my body takes notice. Then I couldn't get to sleep this morning because I was too hungry. I ate a bowl of Rice Krispies.

I dyed my streaks this morning. They're...
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coffee must be consumed at all times during the day. caffeine is way better than sleep.

i like your streaks. they are nifty.

don't faint.

sounds like fun.
