I had a really productive day so far. Perhaps picked up 3 new clients, which would be completely amazing to the point of almost being unheard of, and in any case is by far the most leads I've gotten in a long while.
Now it's on to job #2, which I'm sure won't be nearly as awesome, but I'll make a couple bucks in a...
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Everyone loves cuddling and getting some! At least I hope everyone does biggrin
omg. sex and cuddling. what more could you possibly ask for in life?
I've been supremely enjoying my new time on the site. It's weird, but I'm surrounded by so much that's plain and normal in my day to day life that I almost forgot there were a bunch of hot, weird ladies out there like me. I also realized that SG really quells the creativity bug I sometimes get where I feel like I have a ton...
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So, who ever ponied up the dough and bought me a free membership to come back for a while, thanks. I have things like a mortgage to pay for, so sadly SG had to fall to the wayside. But it was weird because I was reorganizing my computer and backing it up onto my supercool 1 Terabyte (feel the bytes!) external drive, and looking at...
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Super excited! Shooting my next SG attempt Sunday. It's outside, and the forcast is around 35 degrees. I hope everyone is into seriously hard nipples, because it's going to be frigid. Wish me luck smile

mmmmm nipplesicles......

good luck, if you need someone to warm you up

we are here to serve

I like a hard nipple you can cut glass with
Way for me not to post anything ever.

I'm in a weird place right now, and it's hard to put in words.

Last week I had to take out my collarbone piercings (I cried on the inside). They'll be back in a few months, with scar tissue to help hold them in this time 'round. Debating on whether to take out my hips now as...
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So apparently newness is abound.

SG, p.s., I hate the new layout of the profiles.

New hair: I'm back to blonde, and I hate it (especially right out of the shower), but then I remember how well it photographs. See new photos for examples.

New guitar: amazing boyfriend bought it. It's black. All black. With black strings. He said it's that way because it's like...
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Hey there girlie
I thought I saw you out of the corner of my eye..
I was kind of in a rush, i was late to pick up my boyfriend after he got his snakebites.
Are they hiring by any chance?
I love rollercoasters, both the amusement park kind, and the life kind. I haven't been on an amusement park one in a while, but oh boy if I don't get the ride of my life every day I'm alive.

That is all.

Things with boy are going almost too well.

Job still rocks, second job will rock slightly less but will be giving me the money I need to spend when we go to Paris this winter.

I got a hamster because I need a small furry animal to project my love on to. He remains nameless, though his nickname is "Rock Hamster" (it has to...
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hamsters are unbelievably cute. at all times.
I feel better. So good in fact that I had a Frosty for lunch. Because I'm awesome.

I dyed my hair black, again. It came out blue, again. But this time I like it because my hair is short and off my face. I think I will keep it longer than 2 days this time around.

I am on my way out the door to...
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The Frosty - it's what's for lunch!

hi ------------------> I see you're local, so I thought I would say hello

and ... I think you're delicious!
here is a photographical tribute to my affection

So after days of being distant and snobby and not wanting to cuddle, the boy picks up that something is wrong. Which means now I have to tell him. I'm not happy about it. I don't really like sharing my feelings, especially when I know what I'm upset about is insane and completely untrue to the point that you would have to be a complete...
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