I guess the hot topic this week is Canadian federal politics mad mad mad
I personally don't like all the controversy and scandals that has been going on over the past few years, 4 years ago, we had to spend a lot of money to denounce a few rich fat cats publicly with the Gomery Commission, and well after about a year of investigating and close to 72...
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edited! smile
I was a bit high!
Amen to the Harper Jerk comment. Politics get me steamed. Or people's lack of care or understanding for it. I litterally watched Harper's acceptance speach (2nd Term) with the sound off looking at my tv as the confetti was coming down with an opened mouth shocked look on my face, repeadetly asking how the FUCK did Canada let THIS happen again. I lost my faith in my country for like 2.7 seconds.

Speaking of economy I just read an article about a state (I forget which one) solving their economic problems by making their own currency, and selling it to encourage local buying, as the money will not be valid in Wal-marts and Co, but will be in the local stores. While I appreciate their try at helping out local stores and such, I mean it's a valid and original idea, I'm concerned about how their gonna sell the money so that if let's say we have a US 100$ bill, their money will be worth 110$. Now tell me that won't cause mad inflation and in the long run ruin their economy even more....

Sorry I know this has nothing to do with Canadian politics, I just had no one to share it with and I wanted to tell SOMEONE about it before my short term memory deleted it from existence.
So I really need to update a bit...I gotta admit, I really love this site! smile

I've been sick with the flu for the past few days and that really sucks... but the good news is that I'm trying hard to take care of my health... After a year of working night shifts, a daily abuse of chicken poutines and energy drinks is something I never...
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My pleasure. And it's probably not over, for there is still much work to be done on straightening up your nutrition tongue
thx for your request! ^^
Working night shifts at the DVD-hoe makes elnain something something......

I can't sleep because my fucking landlord and his loud fucking friends are literally destroying the apartment next to mine....The lack of sleep mixed with the Duff energy drinks I've been drinking all fucking night has left me in a weird fuzzy state so I thought it would be the best moment to introduce myself..........
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faque tu viens-tu ici des fois? ts genre, t'as rien a dire a des gens qui veulent pas t'couter?? t'es donc ben... disons que tu utilises un peu trop bien ton temps je trouve.

Pis crisss j'AI FINI!!!!!
Ouin j'me motive la!