
Before March 23rd this word pretty much meant nothing to me. I was familiar with it sure, but not really knowing its depth until now. Those that are quarantined with their families are lucky. They have people they can actually look at. Being quarantined alone sucks a massive dick. There’s the phone to talk to people, but actually LOOKING at someone’s face is something...
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Stay strong!) I know dat feel) I live alone and now isolated in my apartment) try to feel my time with cleaning, cooking, workouts and dancing) I’m on my way to read “IT”...but only on the way hah)also I try to grow up flowers)

I've been a fan of SG for years. My first experience was the Villa video (feels like forever ago). Finally took the plunge this year to support the group and be more involved; and I can say I regret it not in the slightest. SG is more than stunningly beautiful women, it's a celebration and proud "Fuck Normal" from all of us on the outside...
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