Hey, I'm so grateful for all of the love you all pour into my and others sets here on Suicide Girls. But as a favor, out of respect for models who may or may not be struggling with their bodies, maybe don't tag sets with things like "Big Belly"

You don't know someone's headspace or struggle or self image. Just be kind and avoid using...
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Who TF does that?
I still don't even understand why there are tags, especially as many of them are totally unnecessary and in many, many cases needlessly descriptive of anatomical parts such as you note.Β  Been a member for a long time now, and every once in a while I search, but I have never even had specific tags show up for me in a search.Β  So I don't get it, and they are often offensive.

An Inspirational Woman In Your Life

One of the most inspirational people in my life would have to be one of my best friends and old coworkers.
I picked an inspirational person rather than a woman, hope that's okay!
When we met, they had just gotten out of a toxic relationship, were raising their child essentially alone, navigating coming out as an adult, and were...
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Everyone tells you to pick a brand as a model or SWer..but I'm just smol and sad and eat Doritos in the shower. What kind of target audience am I appealing to??

I want to share all my Doritos with you😍😍😍😍😍🀘🏼🀘🏼

So many new faces! πŸ’–πŸ™ Thank you so much for everyone pouring love into my newest set, even though it's horrendously off season for Christmas content 😹😹

And another huge thank you to everyone who joined my only fans after this set went live! πŸ™ You all helping to support my art just fuels my drive for making new content and art. You're all so...
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Loved the set!

I want to find more Colorado models and photographers so desperately 😭 With Corona, curfews and trying to be careful of my health, it's just so tough.

Consider this me screeching in hopes of attracting Coloradians!