Labor day ftw!

Since I am home for like the first time in years, gonna do some grilling. Keeping it light. Shrimp and Chicken skewers, few hot dogs and maybe a burger or two. Fall thru if you are in the Shaolin area, drinks on me. wink
Thanx for the welcoming lol aahhh a fellow staten islander =]
I have to be the laziest blogger ever. Hard to post when you are reading everybody else. I will do my once a year update, lol.
true. blogging sucks for me because I'm always so burnt.
I feel ya...looking forward to your update next year. wink

much love..
thankyou.. kiss
2nd week of the fall pool season. The kid is still hot. Won last week 7 to 3 in 8ball and 9ball. Tonite squeaked by with a 6 to 5 win. Having that pool table downstairs is starting to pay off. Now to get my teammates to start playing better
Oh man, the kid is tired. Just got back from the weekly basketball grudge match. My crew lost. Gonna hear to much trash talking tomorrow at work. Oh well, get them next week.

Had a late start for the tuesday billiards league and my opponent didnt show so I got a forfeit. It seems people dont like to show up for the 9pm sessions. Wasted...
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What a storm last night. NYC got pounded real quick. Tornado watch in SI / BK. Trees down everywhere. What a nice commute that waited me this morning. 2 and half hour bus ride ftw. Oh well, it is hump day.

Time to make like I am doing a project plan while I actually watch a movie.
welcome to the site and the group.
Man I am in bad shape today. Feel like I was stretched on the rack or something. Something is to be said for sleeping on your side of the bed, cuddling all nite days are over. Well it is league night, my pool team has a tough draw tonite, and I am on 2 match losing streak. Gotta get my hustler game on.
TGIF. It is going slow though, not even lunch time yet. Gah, need a drink. Work is for the birds, need a sugar mommy to take me away from this, or get hit by Bill Gates limo or hit lotto.
Bah, so much stuff to fill out in these profiles. This is enough for the 1st nite. Gotta find a good pic to throw up here.