So @sencha asked me to do this so here goes..

1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth? Chocolate.

2. Where was your profile picture taken? no idea, grabbed off the net

3. Worst physical pain you’ve had? Jesus Christ. broken leg

4. Favorite place you have been? Where I live, southern Spain

5. How late did you stay up last night?...
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I'll buy you a pet mongoose baby if you'll give me your heart in return ;) ;)
deal :)

So Trump..pro torture, who'd a thunk it? I thought his choice for Secretary of State being the CEO of Exxon was pretty indicative, but this.. well ok then. No doubts about this guy at all now..

The only thing that surprises me is the people who are still surprised :/

Hi all, a strange year, a crazy year, but nearly at an end. Peace and love to all, may your 2017 be better and fantabuloso xxx

Hope the new year is treating you well
thank you, and you too my dear... I'm doing well so far :)

On the recommendation of @sencha I am posting this nugget of wisdom. To put it in context, we were discussing being confident in social situations, and I suggested:

'the trick is to not actually give too much of a fuck what other people think... they are all cunts anyway.'

Nuff said

I know, and I feel my poetry puts Basho t shame too..it's like a little Haiku..
Hahaha, your writing does have a certain rhythm to it... actually, I think you have an obligation to set this gem to music :D

And yet again my heart goes out to those friends of mine affected by the terrible events in the US, but here in Europe it isn't so hot either..the UK has lost it's way, Europe isn't much better and fascism is on the rise ..again..make art people, make art.


well the day looms closer, and for those of you in the Leave camp but as yet still undecided, have a look at this first:



Bueno, otra elección en unio aqui en españa..espero que os vais a votar porlo menos..en el Reino Unido tb tenemos algo que decidir, y luego em EEUU en noviembre..vaya año. Interesante por lo menos. Un abrazo a todo mis amigos latinos..

Y ahora a ver si es verdad que despues de junio se forma gobierno, porque vete tu a saber xd