Synchronicity is for optimists and the hopeful.

Coincidence is for pessimists and the fearful.

Nothing happens by chance, everything happens for a reason.

There are many versions of your reality, but only one choice to make.

Make your best choice for today, but don't be afraid to change it.

Because you can - always and forever.

I said that - drrebo


When I think of men

Who lived just as Mandela,

How can I complain?

:( RIP

I’m coming up on my first anniversary of membership in Suicide Girls and getting a little more at ease at commenting. It’s an amazing use of empowerment for the men as well as the women. Empowerment is a word used a lot in the porn world, but Suicide Girls really makes it mean something with women photographers, women group moderators, an honest-to-goodness sense of community,...
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