THE DEATH STAR IS OPERATIONAL!!!!!!!! skull skull skull

Er, I mean, my website is operational. My plot to take over the world is now well underway. It's been a hell of a lot of work getting the audio book finished and posted, but it's done finally, and a thousand people or so have downloaded it already.

Evolution is the ultimate weapon for civil rights activists and interantional peace...
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My life just keeps getting WEIRDER and WEIRDER.

Since my last entry, I found out about a couple of groups of evolutionary scientists who are trying to find ways to use evolution to solve problems facing humanity, and are trying to teach evolution to the public in order to win the public support they need for any solutions to work. I joined the Club of...
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for one who is wedded to Fate, you seem to be quite the unabashed egoist (or is it egotist). But I guess egoism is fine, minus the naivette of the "freewill".

[Edited on Dec 23, 2005 3:18AM]

often it is the only
between you and
no drink,
no woman's love,
no wealth
match it.

Charles Bukowski
Well, since my book came out...

I've handed out a lot of fliers. Most so-called "radical" "activists" still don't want to have anything to do with something that could actually change the world in a big way, but kids at concerts really like hearing about something that could change the world... But they still don't buy the book.

I've gone to some activist meetings, but...
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Happy Birthday!!!
happy birthday! kiss
MY BOOK IS FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the website: 42

Well, that's what I've been doing about every minute of my life since my last journal entry. Now I just have to get people to buy it. It shouldn't be too hard tho, since it's the most controversial book ever written.

I'm already meeting up with activists from all over the country who are searching for what...
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With this book, I do what none of those six great leaders could do. I do for the entire human race what the Buddha did for the Buddhists, what Mohammed did for Islam, and what Jesus did for the Christians. Do I think Im so much better than all those great leaders? Not at all. I just have a couple things to work with that none of them had. None of those leaders had any way of teaching lessons whose values could be measured equally by anyone anywhere in the world, and none of them had any way of spreading their messages over all the world more-or-less instantaneously. I can do what none of them could do because of two things: modern science and the internet.

This is both ambitious and Crowleyesque in it's vision.

Welcome and thanks for joining the
________ group.

glad you've resurfaced smile
surreal surreal surreal

Alright, I'm back. With just a few sections left to write, my book is now over 1000 pages and 330,000 words. That's why I've been too bust to post anything in almost 4 months now.

The short version goes like this: All human behavior is motivated by energy efficiency. Since it requires energy to maintain basic physiological functions, the combination of the two basic animal...
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Still on the go see you next week...Cheers.
You should obviously mark it as a favorite

This is the fourth part of my new book. It's 195,000 words so far, so I'm going to skip all the rest of the introduction after this and start in on chapter 4 next time.

The Science of Social Martial Arts: Terrorism and akkido are just two examples of conflict and resolution to conflict. Asians and everyone else in the world have figured out...
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Happy Birthday!! smile
This is the third part of my new book. To understand what I'm writing and why I'm writing it, you really ought to start at the beginning.

Emotional Akkido: Conflict is nothing new to the world. People have been figuring out new and better ways to win conflicts ever since the invention of the club. In east Asia there has been a lot of...
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Y'know, it's funny -- this has always been my take on things -- Instead of trying to exert more effort than my opponent (whether it be an argument, relationship, etc.), I've always chosen to simply step aside and let them break themselves down. One of society's biggest problems is that they always tend to view the solution as outdoing the other guy, when the truth of the matter is, you're much better off, avoiding the conflict all together.
i am going to print this out....to read obviously
Here's the next section of my new book. Two things I'd better say about it. First, this represents my life's work. Second, it's about 550 pages long. Third, by the end of the book I prove everything that anybody who believes in being themselves and trying to get along with other people will ever need to know to construct an irrefutable arguement to justify their...
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I'm sold, as if I wasn't already. Though I'll warn you, I'm not even going to be content as a gunner, should more ships be available to captain. I'm interested to see where the rest of this is going and if I agree with the rest of it as I have so far. I guess we'll see when it's published.
My lifes work has been an attempt to find one logical proof to explain all human behavior based on objective science. That sounds impossible at first glace, but there are several things working in my favor. For one, all humans have have some things in common with all other humans, (regardless of each individuals uniqueness) by sheer virtue of living on the same planet and...
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shocked ambitious stuff! i hope you won't mind if i send you a friend request. i'd definitely be interested in following this. smile

I have to disagree with you on the statement that you made about voting being governed by emotions. Emotion and instinct are two different ideas. It could be argued that instinct is the lack of emotion during an action.

ex: I'm a vegetarian. I like animals to exist as they are, whole and unharmed. This would be the emotional part of me speaking.

If a mountain lion attacks me as I walk in the mountains, I will do my damndest to rip it's fucking throat out. This is my instinct.

Though I would prefer to preserve the lion and let be it in it's natural habitat, I will not let my emotion sway the fact that the lion attacked me and caused me to poke out it's eyes.

Some could say that I was fearful for my life and therefore used an emotion to complete my objective, but for the most part, instinct would have guided my actions.
Ive done it. Ive broken the code to humanity.

I start pulling on one little stray thread, and the whole f*cking world comes unraveled. It feels like the last five minutes of the most twisted suspense thriller ever, where the hero suddenly realizes that everything he thought was true about the world is based on one fundemental false premise, and without that premise the whole...
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Oops, I left one part out:

Emotion was an evolutionary necessity. If it wasnt, we wouldnt have it. It serves as a motivational force and a physiological catalyst. If you are walking through a jungle where you know tigers live, youll be afraid. So youll watch out for tigers and youll be ready to fight or flee if you see any. And so long as that trait keeps you alive, it will allow you to reproduce and pass it on to your offspring. There we get instinct and intuition.
That's funny -- I've been reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra and having the same thoughts lately -- anyone who truly "gets it" would never have an over-association with any particular tribe whether it be pop culture, counter culture, religion, etc. I.E.: If you honestly get it, there's no real chance of you being the 'punk rock guy' or the 'jock guy' or the 'corporate executive guy' -- you'd just simply be 'the guy'. There would be nothing special about you. Society needs to learn to use the ego for the survival tool that it is instead of viewing the ego as 'who they are'.