Most of my illustrations come from suggestions/requests made to me by friends/family. I want to change things up. Give me some suggestions on what to draw/illustrate, Ill choose one (or a few), and get them done. It can be any subject / character / theme / style etc.

This will help me learn new techniques and styles...so thanks in advance 😊


The temperature has risen to a point of being "reasonably" warm today. It'll be nice to go for a run and not have to dress like a marshmallow :)

I'm getting back into a dedicated training routine. One of my undeclared goals is to run a Boston qualify marathon time this year so I can do Boston in 2020. This is an undeclared goal since...
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Quick and simple...I'm going to be more proactive on SG. I like the vibe, and I think it suits me. More pictures, blogs, and comments. #cheers