Today, I went with my roomate to get his tattoo. He was pretty pumped about it, it was his first tattoo. I'll give him credit though, it is a really good idea and it has a lot of meaning. It is a litttle baby chicken and the words agenda suicide across his stomach. To him it stands for factory farming and he a vegetarian so...
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chickens are great *giggles*
kept you on hold for a long time because I wanted to see if you'd be more active about stuff, but it doesn't look like you've been around much. so, finally I'll be denying you. but if you get active again then reapply.
its official, i am going to drop out of school for a year or so. it sounds nuts to say that, i was so excited for college now after a whole quarter im dropping out.

oh well, at least ill have some money from working and ill have some time to have fun and all of that jazz.
Hmm...hope that isn't the end for you. Although in general I envy you. I so want out of this college thing, for much the same reasons that you're looking forward to being out of it.

Although I'm also scared shitless about the end of the ride. Bloody hell. Well, enjoy.
holy shit.

so i took my roomate to wisconsin to meet some of my friends from there and party with them. the fact that we partied in a trailer that doubles as a deer hunting shack aside, the night included: my roomate and my best friend almost fighting over my best friends girlfriend, another friend screaming one of his bands songs in the middle of...
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ok, so i finally my webcam and pic to work, thanks to some help from boygeorgeismymom. now i feel like i have actually accomplished something.

on a bad note, i hate fall in mn, seriously. its cold, rainy and i havent seen the sun in almost two weeks. i feel like i live in seattle or something, its always shitty outside.

well, its to...
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i work at the capitol store, in st paul. what are you going to st thomas for? obviously school, but what major?
good day to you, i thank you for your comment, and taking the time to actually read my entry....turned out to be a lot longer than i had originally planned it to be, but whatever. anyways, yes, thank you *thumbs up*

p.s. canada is still colder this time of year
okay, so i finally got a chance to update my journal. within the last three weeks i've dropped over $1200 on my piece of shit vehicle. on the bright side, i finally got a part time job, which is awesome because now i can finally go out and party a little bit. hopefully all of this political bullshit will blow over soon. the only good...
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hey look picture, neato
i know, its about time, i finally got my webcam and pic to work
Oh, today is dreaded Voting Tuesday. Actually, everything went fine for me, no hold-ups at all.

I swear that if that stupid son of a bitch bush wins, i will go absolutely fucking nuts! there are very, very few people that i hate with a passion more than george walker bush. I can't understand how people think that he is or ever could be a...
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Alright, so this is the first journal entry. Wow, this is exciting. Anyways, Halloween is just around the corner and I think that I have found the perfect costume. Hopefully I won't get my ass kicked by some crazy Republican for it though.

I should have my pics up soon, I just need to get around to transferring them from the camera and disks to...
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