ooo aaa
So London was good, David drove as all down and we headed straight for Camden, spent a weird few minutes in the market before heading for the pub and then switching to a different pub and sitting with some more of Simons friends who just seemed to be wanky london types, if that's not too offensive. Simon suggested the Old Blue Last over his TopShop...
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Glad you are enjoying yourself at uni, your summer project sounds really cool, is there going to be pictures?
Have fun at uni and i hope you have a great time smile
Thanks for the comment. Good luck with everything at uni smile
I lost my internet connection because both Sky and NTL are gay but it's all sorted now and we have a prettier router and Sky+.

Lots has happened between then and now. On bank holiday weekend I went to a teeny little festival all the way down in Devon, it took almost 6 hours to get there because of the traffic but it was so...
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The disciplinary was all pushed through in one day (Friday) they did not sack Dave though came within an inch of it apparently. The GM says he is in a 'straight jacket' as in his final written warning and this will last for the rest of his time with the company. If he displays anything but exemplary professional behaviour he'll be out. He said during...
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Dave is still suspended. The GM said there was a lot of consistency between what I had said in my complaint and what others said when questioned so they are giving him a disciplinary hearing, the outcome of which could still see him sacked. I also thought they might demote him from Chief tech which would be better but who knows.

I had a really...
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Glad to see your work life is getting better. Hope you get the camera you want smile
So I finally handed in my notice and made my complaint yesterday. It went well I think, the GM was apologetic for what I have been through with Dave and supportive of what I had to say about him. I think that he is secretly pleased because Dave causes him a headache often enough. I'm worried that he'll take it too far and make an...
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Good luck at uni! and i hope you last 4 weeks at your job are going to be okay.
Well, I really haven't done much with my 2 weeks holiday. I am so easily distracted and have spent a lot of time procrastinating 'usefully' mm hmm smile This involves knowing very well that there are important tasks that you must be doing and instead doing other things like washing up and tidying the bedroom.

Money has also been a bit of a problem since the...
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yeah, philip seymour hofman's lester bangs is one of my favourite parts of thaht movie, though i love the whole movie itself. lester was just really on the ball, he wasn't afraid to say 'this music is utter crap' about the stuff peopel were suppsoed to universally appreciate - and that's kind of. . what music critics are meant to do, instead of just praising the same old people.

procrastination. oh, with my procrastination it more or less got worse tenfold once i discovered the internet. even if there ARE other more creative things i COULD be doing, infallibly i'll end up just sitting online doing something. sometimes i actually think 'i should just not have the internet at home' then i realise i'd last about a week of that before i'd be going crazy. and i may be being generous saying 'a week'

there IS so much good stuff on youtube. a lot of complete and utter tosh, but you tend to be able to find really obscure weird stuff you'd all but forotten about. shows you watched as a kid and stuff. . .
Yes that was funny, but the best thing was finding that stormtroopers can't bend down when they drop things!!!
looking up 'molotov cocktail' on google image search, does not make for pleasant viewing.
no it doesn't. smile
suggest you don't search on "gash" - wasn't was I was looking for at all. Think I need stitches.
oh sweetie, don't feel intimidated by this site. we all think you're the bees knees. smile

worth1000.com is a great site though.

hope all is well kiss
The interview went quite well I think, the lady said my illustration stuff was 'excellent' and that they could 'really use it' which is nice to hear as the first bit of feedback I've ever had on my portfolio. The test on Quark was dead easy after a weekend of studying a dummies guide..still she said she would make a decision by the end of...
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Happy Birthday !!!
Excellent!! Happy Birthday? Have I missed something? I've not been on in a couple of days. Feck!!
I'm thinking about moving forward, now I'm just having dreams about A Flock of Seagulls. you know that song about a photograph of you? well yeah, I think it's inter related.
Did you have a good Birthday? I hope so. Your folio stuff is well cool! all fresh and in your face like.