Camping was fucking amazing. The woods and the lake were beautiful. Makes me really appreciate nature.

Been pretty damn busy with work and all. But it isn't bad anymore. Might be gettin a raise.

Humid as hell around here.

I love you so much.
Howdy. Just figured I'd poke my head in and say hello when I saw you live not far from me.

Anyway - hi! biggrin
It's been a while.

Work blows. Period. Might get a job in a file room filing XRays at a hospital.
Planning the trip......reworked the itinerary.
Returned the other ticket. Purchased:
Rail Tickets
First 3 nights in Paris
Next 3 nights in Amsterdam
Sleeping bag for camping in Black Forest
Got my passport

So as it stands, as the final itinerary, we're hitting up (in this...
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Went swimming in the second lake at the Ramapo Reservation. First in my jeans... then boxers, which was cool cuz you could see my junk n all. Next time it's full monty, i don't care who's there. We saw tons of cool doggies there, i kept trying to get one to jump in the water with me, but he was scared, so his owner threw...
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I don't like to name names....but here's a hunch:
the collegiate version of Rain Man, but an asshole.
see your junk n all? That sounds appealing...................................................................................................

Haha. Good luck with not befriending dumbasses. Sometimes it's tough.

"Each night I bury my love around you."

Well, little to say since Monday...
Looking for new job, meaning I'm keeping my eyes peeled.

Done with two classes, three more to go, hopefully do up a paper tonight and make it 3 down.

Summer means several things:

possiblity of a constantly overheating car
getting color
living at home, unfortunately
popsicles that melt in my mouth...
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you forgot Buddy Hollys man!!
Overview: Inebriation every day three days in a row? Bad. Family meeting Love of My Life? Good. Niece on her first Communion? Adorable. Work? Sucks.

Not smoking three days in a row for a longggggg time. Burnt out yesterday all day. But I don't regret a damn thing.
Friday night went to a friend Demetrius' house deep in the woods in the Ramapo Valley. Gorgeous...
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dude, you gotta show me that sunken VW Bug. I need pictures of that
My family sucks.
I'm on their shit lists for being "selfish," because I never offered to help, so they say. Yeah, I did. I'm sorry I have 17 credits and 30 hours a week. I'm also sorry that I take some time for myself to keep sanity.
I will admit it was a mistake not to call my mom, but I forgot about it only...
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FIFTY PAGES?!?!?! blackeyed Good job for you and good luck with the next few things. It will feel so good when it's all over...

I can sympathize with the family situation. Not so much from my immediate family but the extended family can be a bitch. It's just one of those unfortunate obligations.
"We slip and slide as we fall in love
and I just can't seem to get enough."

WFMU Record Fair tomorrow...hotttttt.
Work all weekend....nottttt.

Watched Harold and Maude last night, really good.
Tonight's Midnight Cowboy. Roommate? Yeah, hi...please leave for an hour or two this evening.

Beautiful weather we're having in Jersey, classes outside now.
i remmeber having classes outside at seton hall...loved spring semester...
Overview: mixture of good and bad. But I still haven't returned to my old, all-is-negative ways, and I think it's because of you. I don't know how to thank you.

4am and I'm writing another paper...sheesh.

Mom's home from the hospital! And eating solid food!

Car only cost 70 bucks to fix...and i'm soo broke til Friday.

Work STILL sucks.

Lauren's sick with a cold...
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Culture Shock...ahem, I mean Vulture Cock (no seriously, that's the name of it).....where do I begin in talking about my 3 day weekend.

Pratt Institute:
We take the Path to the A train to the G train to wait for 45 minutes before finally leaving Pratt, since we got there late and it was full and Liz wandered off to talk to friends and Alex's...
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wow, I am MUCH too lazy to read all that. But I did skim over something about 5:30 am and papers due...that's pretty much how I feel right now. Except it's still 11:00 pm but, well, I like sleep. So I might pick that over writing a paper. Hmm.
I've decided....the books are going. BUT, I'm not selling them. There are several people I'm gonna just give them away to. Sure, a few are staying, but why sell them when you have good friends who are as thirsty for knowledge as you are to give them to? I'm saddened, yes, but it needs to be done. What if I decide to just pick up...
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Culture Shock will kick ass no matter what. I'll catch up with you guys quickly enough.
yes culture shock will be awesome....though for some reason this year they have started calling it vulture cock...hmmmm...well i will be there with a bottle of tequila....perhaps you pandemonium and i will cross paths....