Alright motherfuckers...

While you're blowing your pinky finger off trying to place a lit M80 in that nasty old neighbor's mailbox this Independence Day, Pandemonium and I will be on a flight from Newark Airport to Paris. How sweet it is....

Went to the best hidden thrift store in Northern New Jersey today with Lauren. Walked out with a skirt for the misses, a boy's...
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Dude, this summer's gonna rule more than Charles V, Charlemagne, Alexander the Great and Ghengis Khan all combined. Our summer will shit down the throats of other people's summers, then force them to swallow it. We're gonna have ourselves, as Jeff would put it, a pretty Necro summer.

That's how much our summer will rule, biatch!
"Learning why the caged bird sings
Cuz it's the valuable things you know
That separate the men from the kings."-Dead Prez

I'll post the pictures of me in some short running shorts, which will be what I rock this summer, later tonight.

Friday I had off work because I agreed to work a double shift for my bud Jeff on Saturday. So after sleeping through...
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Heyyyy! I'm not a pothead! We just got bored.....haha.
S.A.G.E. Test Results
Your Raw Score is: -350, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

Your appearance is Masculine

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.

You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

You believe you have normal doubts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Male.

Male to Female Crossdresser

You are in a statistical minority...
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Interesting...have something you might be hiding from all of us, eh??? I got Feminine Female. Which is sort of a joke in itself.
This summer is going to so totally take no prisoners it's not even funny. I can hardly wait to get myself back on European soil. Absinthe, Louvre and Schwarzwald, here we come!
Space begins.....NOW.

Beauty and tragedy, one after the other, after the other. Isn't life like that though?
But it isn't all tragedy. I know it isn't. True happiness indeed exists.

My favorite SG now is Katie, I'm convinced. Any girl that digs Necro, Charles Bronson (the band, silly) and has such appreciation for beautiful body ink can rock me like a hurricane any day.

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Finally saw Dawn of the Dead, the remake. Wow, I was amazed, expecting to see someting horrible, and seeing something great. Different from the original, but stands alone as a film. Good, but not flawed. Well, I'll say this: more flawed than the original in what it tries to do. But man, did I laugh my ass off and go "Ooo" several times at the...
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Redemption is one of the sweetest words in the English language, I swear to God.

The day after, and like the saying "Time heals all wounds", well, with time, comes a gradual, gradual lessening of pain.

Oh, on a lighter note, this summer: two boys, three spots: Paris, Amsterdam, Germany. Backpacking, staying at hostels, tourist crap and non-tourist crap. Funny part is....my parents absolutely LOVE...
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I can just think of the nice times and hope for good to come out of this...
but shit, I feel horrible still. I don't think I've ever cried that hard in my life, even after my old friend Alicia died in that car accident this past September. My eyes still burn like crazy, and that's after 4 beers.

But it is for the best....
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mmm Pandemonium has sent me here to send you some happiness... hope everything is okay confused
As I am not exactly up on the events that caused this post, all I can offer is kind thoughts. It seems you have good friends by your side and hopefully that will give you all the comfort you need with whatever the rough things are that complicate your life right now. But, should you ever need an unbiased opinion, an open mind, or just someone to listen, you know where to find me, stranger that I am.
Went to Passaic Beth Israel today, only to find out from the goddamned old lady volunteer workin the front desk that I'd have to wait an hour to visit. Rather than get in her face about how my sister works in cardiology there as a radiation tech, I said "OK. Thank you." through my grinding teeth, and left. So, rather than wait until 8 for...
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Riding the Greyhound is puke gross.

Sorry, nothing more enlightening is coming out of me right now. The rest sounds lovely.
Did laundry and sat all night listening to the Van Morrison song "TB Sheets" all night long. Good song, it's a ten minute blues song about how he's in his 20s, at his girlfriend's sick bed who's dying of tuberculosis and how he can't deal with it and wants to leave.

Later on, I found my old band's website from two years ago that I...
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Yeah, a little nostalgia's good for you. Builds character. Hmm... ever notice how suspiciously character-building everything that sucks is?

Oh well, at least you'll be seeing Trish again later this week probably... that should make for some more trips down Memory Lane, right?

I'll talk to you soon.
you're seeing trish this week? i miss trish, tell her i said hi. but speaking of missing people, i really miss you too, and hope you're okay, and can't wait to see you, etc, etc, etc.
love you as well kiss

Surgery is a dreaded, dreaded word to hear. So is the ICU. I had the privilege of waking up to hearing both of them today.

Thanks to everyone especially one special person for being there for me. You know who you are.

Went food shopping at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's with Pandemonium to get my mind off things. Blew somewhere around 70 bucks on...
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Wow, Chinese Stars were fucking wonderful. New material is dancier and just so good. The Daughters headlined and rocked my socks. The 45 year old hippy with dreads to his ass smelled horrible. Unfortunately he stood in front of me for part of the CS set, videotaping.

Three fourths of my old band, including me, were there, so it was tons of fun. We ate...
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Spring Break is upon me. Plans have been broken, for obvious reasons, after talking to my mom on the phone today.

I was worked like a dog tonight. I've decided I don't give a shit about customers. The animals either, most of the time. I just want to get my shit done, get paid and go home. Some customer wanted help with what to do...
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