My sporadic return to SG has happened again.

This time, I'm IN TORONTO. Well, slightly outside of Toronto, but because everything is falling apart here, I'll hopefully be in Toronto in the very near future, a poor starving artist writer taking possibly questionable jobs to pay for rent and school, which starts in January.

Crazy things.
Hopefully things will improve for you.
Dear internet,

Please pay me for my services so I can move to Toronto ASAP. There are good things there, like a life, classes, chances to see my girlfriend and a step closer to LA.

DOES ANYONE NEED A PROOFREADER? I do books, articles, websites, scripts (also coverage), essentially anything!

Love a super amount,

I'm looking to get some photo editing in -- cleaning up unedited raw photos of hopefuls, SGs, actually anything at all! If anyone would like to send me a couple of photos, I'll send back samples and we can talk (cheap!) pricing.

File Under: Things I Do With My Life #1 -- Spend Too Much Time in Photo Editing Software
I seem to be back (much belatedly, due to someone's prior kindess). Sort of. In a reduced capacity-- not that I was prolific before!

So on that note: expect... sporadic and vague updates and me trying to productive. Hello~
I've been feeling a little better overall lately, which is great. I'm also officially off work except for possibly one day a week or so from now -- papers from the doctor and everything. I'm looking into an online job involving texting, though; I have training for it tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes. If I can get through it without laughing my ass...
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Too bad theres no pics, that sounds hilarious.
I'll let you know for sure! And mmmmmm wine, wine is my friend! See ya!
Whoa -- randomly reactivated account again! I'll take it. And just in time for a Vice set, too. Anyway, I've been ultra sick lately and it is the lamest thing ever. Having SG to wander around will help my boredom, at least. A little. I'll do some catching up later. <3 Now: watching Reaper.
I totally just posted about MUX: The Series on the SG RPG group. I'm pretty sure my friend and I won the internet by making it, but now we have to convince everyone else how awesome it is.
Stripper shoes = <3

It boggles me how something that could be a deadly weapon with 6" heels can actually be the most comfortable heels ever.
The more I read the Vegan board the more I want a vegan (pride? love? OF THE AWESOME?) tattoo.

Being on SG again makes me seriously rekindles my desire to be an SG.


I need some photographer hook-ups.

So many pretty pictures...