Wow, I feel like a complete idiot.

I was walking back from a friend's place--somewhere I've been 4 or 5 times previously, which I had no problem finding even the very first time I ever went. I've always travelled to and from there from the exact same place (where I live). It's also worth noting that I have an extremely good direction sense.

Now for...
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my mind just shuts off at times , i blame the alcohol.

I almost went into teaching then came to the realisation of i would end up smacking a kid one day , and they would not like that

This isn't working.

I probably won't be staying here. Life is too short to spend it hating what you're doing, and I'm not one to sit around and be miserable when there's something I can do to improve my life. Even if it is going to be difficult.
So are we speaking of the UK in general, the job, or the site?
the site or the uk ??

The last three times i've seen hatebreed i've been punched in the face twice and once in the throat. The throat hurts more , but thats what you get for going to hardcore shows
Wait, what's this I hear? The Democrats have taken back the House of Representatives? And with one Senate race as yet undecided, it's 50-49 Democrats, with a good possibility of the last race being called to make it 51-49? Is that the sound of some semblance of sanity and humanity returning to American politics??


So, President Bush, what do you have to say about...
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Welcome to Wales, sir!

Do you, perchance, have Tool tickets for the CIA?
just read about you popping in to see john. It is a nice studio and i think he will do the piece you want well. I may go there sometime myself as its only 2 minutes walk from my house!
Zomg. In Flames, Children of Bodom, Lamb of God, Thine Eyes Bleed, Slayer tonight. Leaving soon, just waiting on someone to get ready.

(Girls take forever.)

Probably a more substantive post later. Woooooo In Flames and Bodom!
oooooooh have fun !!

Slayer always kick ass
slayer and lamb of god love love
Last night was amusing. smile Went to someone's birthday party last night. Someone had given her some weird strip drinking game--ended up being me and 5 girls (all very attractive, I might add) playing. Let's just say that I won by a landslide. wink

Ended up going out with them afterward, despite how drunk some of them were at this point. I spent most of the time...
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sounds like you're having fun across the pond there.
Aside from being a little under the weather, Cardiff is still treating me pretty well. =) I found out that I get paid in advance, 3 months at a time, which means I'm about to get a very hefty check. Not sure exactly how much it'll be for, but it'll certainly be enough to pay the bills that need paid, and puts less of...
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i've been injured at soo many concerts its not fair , mostly i seem to end up getting punched or elbowed in the face. Work is always fun the day after explaining that biggrin
oooooooh i like the towel idea
Warning: This entry may resemble rambling, and potentially a bit of borderline-emo whining. I'm not sure yet, as I haven't yet written it, but it feels that it may end up that way.

Happy Endings. That is what most entertainment is based around. The idea of the Happy Ending. Some conflict arises, it is addressed via some combination of conversation, fighting, battles, politics... and eventually,...
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Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all!
-Dirk Gently, from Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams

I love Douglas Adams. =)
So, of course, there's a girl. Have her number and a tentative agreement for a date. Tentative, because she's been at the "we need to talk" stage with her (for lack of a better word) ex-boyfriend for about a month. The date is pending the outcome of said talking. However, my hope is that her agreement bodes well, and may perhaps speed along the process....
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Sounds like you are assimilating to the new environment quite nicely there. Good luck with the girl there.

On my end I'm being all insecure about my girl situation. She told me she was going to be pretty busy for a while, and our schedules create a logistical nightmare in general, so I get the whole wondering if I'm on her mind all the time and that going through my head.

In all truthfulness I've been VERY succesful with her up until this point. I just hope it'll develop into something solid.
The weather here has been beautiful up to now. I think it was lulling me into a false sense of security. It's not quite as nice today, so I check the weather report and this is what I see. /cry

Welcome to Cardiff, indeed!
that's what normally passes for a British summer biggrin