Lately I have been thinking about moving back to Los Angeles. Its a bittersweet thought. There is a lot I like and hate about living down south. Although, I have wanted to move to San Francisco. I have always been curious about living in the city. Since I live so close to SF I want to check out some areas. Anyone have any suggestions?
Hair. I have curly hair. I don't like curly hair. My plan is to let it grow out to shoulder length. Right now, its at that awkward length where I cant make it look good, or decent for that matter. My temporary fix is wearing an English style cap or that beanie that's in my profile pic. Is there a way to straighten it? I've...
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I had the privilege of watching a little boy violently shake a bell at a roller derby match. He was doing this for a good 20 minutes. His ear will be bleeding in an hour or so. Here is a small clip of him in action.

*Side Note*
Found a 1965 Vespa fully restored and the guy from Craigslist wont email me back. Disappointed again.
Went to my first roller derby event tonight. It was great! Must do it again. Will post video later.
wow, i think I will use that disclaimer. Thank you so much. Haha
After reading an article from Zenhabits. I have decided that there are a few things that I want to change to simplify my lifestyle. The article expresses 72 ideas. I am going to focus on some individually. For example, Rising Early. Getting up in the early A.M. hours. By nature, I have always been a night owl.

Today is my 2nd day of rising early....
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Lacking the motivation to study. Searching the net for inspiration. I have discovered that posting said issues is a way to spark the discipline. Feels like I'm running on fumes. Honestly. I'm acting like a douche. Suck it up and handle your business.

With that said. Let the studying begin.
At the moment I am listening to Air while downloading music and television shows.
I like the idea of keeping things simple.

Into at the moment - Indie French Films

Current Life Style - Staying up all hours of the night and sleeping until 2pm

Current thoughts - I miss the structured life (Waking up early, going to work, repeat steps 1 and 2 over and over), but I also dig the current chaos. This is just a small...
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This girl from San Francisco.

I took this girl out for dinner a few weeks ago. A week later took her to see a local concert in the city. We had a good time she seemed to enjoy herself. I'm thinking to myself "well I have initiated the social interactions twice. I figure the ball is in her court so to speak. Will she call...
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You may be right kas. Tomorrow, I will call and see what happens.
It wouldn't hurt to call but I do see where you are coming from and it would be nice if she let you know that she was interested by making contact. Good luck and I hope that it works out.
Watched "The Dark Knight". What a rad movie! Its a shame we wont see more of the Joker; well at least the Ledger version.
too true. he really was amazing at it.

thanks for the love on my latest set!