Well I've had a hard time keeping up with school, life in general, and my SG account but I'm attempting to update!

So whats new with me?

Well Tuesday I'm scheduled to get my third lobe piercing on both ears, and get a touchup on my wrist tattoo!
I'm excited as hell! Also I need to ask my piercer about my ear lol um about...
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i pierced all my own ears. i think its ok. psychotic roomates, ive had that problem...!!! when i get stressed i dye my hair! biggrin
finally you're on here!
Alrighty I'm all settled into my new house with my two roomates, a baby and 4 dogs and you know what?? Its fucking awesome! James called me today, he's doing good and although I miss him so damn bad its not funny, I'm settling in pretty nice and my roomates are helping me deal with deployment alot more than I though. smile

Kaiser is happy with...
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Deployment sucks, but just think of when he gets home and all the time you'll have to make up for it. Won't that be fun? hehehe.

Oh and don't forget to thank him for me (and the rest of America).

Anywhoodle, hope everything else is good for ya. smile
Hey, how goes it?
Ahhhh the internet is missing in my life! I've moved yet again, so my participation here will be at its minimal frown mad
Well, my life is hectic. I'm missing James like crazy and lately I havnet wanted to do anything. I'm acutally a huge blog fan but I havent even had the urge to sit down and write in a long time. I miss being able to be with James so bad, adjusting to liveing with my parents again is proving to be harder than I thought...
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So hopefully my life gets a little less rocky now!!!

My step dad had a double bypass surgery today and came out great!

I went to the doctors today and found out my headaches were more than just headaches but migranes so I got some medicine for those, he said they can be caused by too much stress. If anyone knows a way to destress...
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So sorry to hear about all that crap going on. But it sounds like it will all work out...surgery went well, you got medicine, and your pup is eating...all you need now is for hubby to come home. Hang in there!
this is gonna sound kinda odd, but you have no idea how nice it sounds to hear someone say they're having the same reaction to their husband being gone as i am. i mean, it's not nice to hear that, but in a sense it is because i know i'm not going crazy. i hope you get what i mean... and that i'm not coming across as rude here.
Well schools insane! They've tried to deenroll me like twice...then I was floating around without a class for a wile!
My step dad had a heart attack and has been in the hospital...
I'm stressing out about alot of other stuff....
I miss my hubbie and I wish this deployment could just be over!!!
And the damn cat just peed and pooped on my bed...
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Yeah, I was fully aware of the scarring when I got it done. I took over a year to research, and my piercers and I discussed the game plan months before I got it done. I told them about my idea probably 8 months in advance, and they researched and thought of the best way to do it.

I thought I wouldn't care about the scars till I saw them after taking them out. I wasn't embarrassed by the scarring, I just wasn't happy with it. I ended up tattooing over the scars though.

It's a lot of work to keep up a corset piercing. I had to clean them 3 times a day and make sure I was sleeping on clean sheets and all that. Thinking about how much of my time was devoted to them, kinda makes me wonder how I had the patience for it. Heh.

I really miss them, but I don't miss the work they took for me to do.

Also, I had one ripped out a couple of times. That sucked hardcore. puke
And I just read your journal. Sorry about you're husband's deployment. I'm going though it too... blackeyed

So, today was my first day back at school! Um my hair got some looks...I really honestly dont see why so many people find it so weird! But whatever! I spent the whole time all by my lonesome lol I dont know why its so hard for me to make friends but the only attention I get is negative attention! I'm actually a very nice...
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I'm Cricket Saunders! Currently living in Harlingen TX <---total dead town! I just moved back from TN cuz my hubbie was deployed to Iraq and I thought I might as well come home with family. I'm a huge DORK, and I'm always happy about something lol really I'm always giddy or smiling! I ABSOLUTELY love SG girls and only wish I could be one but...
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Ello, and welcome. Sorry about your hubby. This sight will surely keep you company

Harlingen is not dead. You just have to look in.....Ok. Totally dead.
