Answers to my previous questions
1. I like a red lipstick that I have found only at hot topic and on rare occasions. Its a true bright primary red with small flecks of gold glitter in it; its what I like to refer to as my showgirl lipstick.
2. I like the juice boxes that come in huge packs at Sams Club.
3. And fuck...
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well at least you admit that you are unreliable...plus you have some goals in mind so thats definitely a good start!

are ya excited to come to ohio next month w/ MistiDawn? it should be loads of fun, i cant wait!
Answers to my previous questions
1. I like a red lipstick that I have found only at hot topic and on rare occasions. Its a true bright primary red with small flecks of gold glitter in it; its what I like to refer to as my showgirl lipstick.
2. I like the juice boxes that come in huge packs at Sams Club.
3. And fuck...
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I didnt go to work. I hate feeling cornered into going there. I have to have plenty of time to prepare myself for the worst, which is my job. Its not bad. I mean really I feel this way about every job I have ever had. I hate schedules and having time obligations. I dont think I will ever fit into society in that way....
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I had the best day ever Let me describe it to you because you are ever so interested in my life

I woke up at 2 feeling well rested. I got online for 2 hours and checked my stuff, loaded some pictures and chatted with a few friends.

Then I headed to musical practice early so I could get started learning all the stuff I...
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glad you had a good day! I ended up having a great night too. smile
I Shut You Out. ISUO.

Some one unexpected popped up today. I have cancer growing in me, theoretically. I think maybe I just want some plain truth into other peoples minds, like in those eyes you laid on me at the laundry place.

Um, I did some pictures with Jim today; he said he doesnt like them and that they are boring. Well I guess...
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Photography is capturing something mundane and turning it into infinite movement, although stoic.

photographers are fucking magicians.

I am very sad right now because my bebopper betrayed me.

Its ok I will be leaving this place soon.

I got someone to make me a website. Its going to have a download of a Sim of me to put in your game. Hahahahahahahaha.

I ordered 4 Dresses from Daddy Os dot com. I hope they are nice upon arrival.

Penelope is apart of...
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1) with you? yes I would like that.. but watch your toes I really am THAT bad.
2) yes, but I don't think we'll get much work done.
3) no I do not but if I did... ..er and you did too, I'd probably be asking the same thing smile

leaving? so soon? and all I got to see was a picture of you hiding behind some seemingly larger than life dwarves. :-\
1) no, I hate dancing. Unless impersonating Elaine from Seinfeld.
2) No. I just wanted to make it a 3 way sweep of no's
3) I'm moving away from Vancouver, which was kinda close. . . but no.
I just went to my grannys and watched Opera and ate a whole frozen pizza all by myself. Yum! I woke up way too early this morning. I got up at 9 pm so I could meet Gary at noon. Gary is such a hard working photographer. He works so hard to make sure everything is just right. I love working with him, hes always...
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i just woke up from a nap! wink
Redken Damaged. It works!

Or Botanical. It works, also!

In terms of the body, you've got to stop. You're perfection. Your mirror is lying to you.
Time has a weight pulling down us all. We are getting cracked and worn no matter what we do. Its not time. Its erosion. I have to go now, I have to go now.

So here we are everyone. All the old friends and the new. Its the last summer we all have before our silly childhood dreams are smashed. So we better make this...
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...light the fuse and run!
I had another successful burlesque show meeting tonight. But now I am bored. Its bad when you wish it wasnt Sunday only because you wish you could go into work because your nights are just that boring.

I got majorly sloshed last night. I havent really done that in awhile. I have been eating so much and I havent stopped yet. Bah!

I didnt do...
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I've only been to the Frederick's of Hollywood in SoHo which was totally fucking rad.

That store makes me want to cut off my dick and grow breasts.
I bought some more trim spa. The working drug. Like its keeps me working. And more nail vitamins. I will have long hair by the end of the summer! Black eyeliner liquid. Mine is like kind of blue. That doesnt always look smoove.

I lost weight like a month ago Like ten pounds. Then now since I have gained it all back people are saying...
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girls like you have no fucking business ingesting that shit. You're skinny to begin with. Anorexia is the new obese.

Stay beautiful, but don't rape your wallet doing so.
