Victory! The fucking movers said they couldn't get my couch in my living room. That's the danger of moving into a 100 year old building in San Francisco. The head mover says it happens about half the time when someone is moving in from out of town; something won't fit in the place. I was pissed because it seemed like he was giving up awfully...
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Get seafood when going to the tadich

i just paid an extra $200 to Jennifer Convertibles for them to guarantee that they could get my new sofa into my place

i have been down that road - i fell your pain
Got food poisoning last night. I think the first time that's ever happened to me...

I would have stayed home and slept it off, but this block gets very noisy during the day. Ah how I miss double-paned windows.
In all the hustle and bustle of moving, I almost missed something big that's going on with my friends back home. An old college buddy of mine is executing a grand project of going to New York for 30 days to make a million dollars. He's documenting the whole thing on video. So far he's got 7 days left and $13k under his belt. Not...
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That's remarkable!
Note to Self: Just because you don't live in the desert any more does not, in fact, free you from the responsibility of drinking water after working out.
Happy Independence Day, fellow Americans.

I am still amazed that you can buy a good bottle of wine at Safeway... on Sunday no less. Colorado still has Blue Laws, so you have to go to a liquor store to buy your booze, and you can't get a drink on a Sunday unless you go to a bar. Seeing wine at 7-11 is even stranger.

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Is Pier 39 still there with all those little shops? I haven't been up there in so long.
I tackled the apartment conundrum adequately. Welcome to North Beach! All my worldly possessions arrive on Friday. But the important part is that I have a laptop and internet access. It's all coming together nicely.
The time has come, the walrus said... I never seriously thought I would move to California, but here I am in the heart of San Francisco. So far I've managed to cover most of the city looking for an apartment. The sticker shock is finally starting to wear off.
Now buy an SUV!
Saw "Silent Hill" last night. I really wanted to love that movie. I wanted it to be great.

Darn, I was really looking forward to that movie.

Hopefully the PacMan movie will not disappoint.
Thankyou so so so much for the comment on my sonic and tails set. I'm sorry it's taken me a month to get back to you! I was really busy with university commitments. but i love reading through all my comments now. so thankyou xxx
No. I'm most certianly not dead.

Yes. Things are actually quite well over here.
I'm glad you're still here!!!
Happy New Year! Akemashite Omedenou!

I hope everyone had a wonderful time. I rang in the new years with about 50,000 people from all over the world at Epcot at Walt Disney World. The world-class fireworks show was nothing short of spectacular. Just incredible.
Wow!!! That must have been incredible!!!

I've seen their regular firework's show and thought it was the best I had ever seen.
I hope you are doing well!!!