It's been over a year since I've updated or even posted a blog on here...worked at an amazing special needs residential camp last summer and had two very uneventful semesters at university...thinking about minoring in film studies in the fall.. I need to start take classes that will interest me and that I'll actually attend on a regular basis...the summer is a few months away...
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Ah, yeah. I have a feeling the finished movie will be a good bit different. I'm excited for it. Like I said, I was pleasantly surprised at the lack of suckage. biggrin
thats me!

ya submitted one a couple years ago but got rejected.
i was ok with it. i don't really want to be an sg anymore. im not really a huge fan of the direction the site is taking. but i will still look at boobies.
Just added a whole folder of my artwork to the "Artists" group, click on my groups to take a look. So I didn't end up finding a job, so I applied to the Canadian Forces as a last resort. Been waiting three weeks to here back about the medical board's review of my file. I have no clue what's going on with the wait. Been...
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jimmy is doing Rosalyn's sleeve. it looks incredible.
i want him to do a side piece on me.
sweet pics!!!!
black and white boobs are my favourite!
do it.

i wanted to go to that algonquin show but i wasn't a student anymore. frown
hey... del the funky homosapien is playing SCENE festival in St. Kits eh?


First round of confirmations

Del The Funky Homosapian
City and Colour
Black Lungs
The Junction
Boys Night Out
Johnny Traunt and a shit load more too come

Imma gonna be there. ARE YOU?

Two weeks, till the 8 hour drive back home to Beamsville (between St. Kits & Stoney Creek). Signed my deposit paper today, so I leave with an extra $250 in my pocket. Tom ended up calling me at 1pm, about hitting up the gym. Did some cardio, cause of the running fitness testing on tuesday we have to do for one of our classes. Tried...
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the pirate one looks good!

ps i love that damian marley album.

Things havent been too exciting lately, besides the fact I ended up getting a pirate tattoo design instead of the pinup I had originally wanted to get mainly because Jimmy (Five Cents Tattoo) had come up with an amazing take on the sketch and references I had gave him. Only an hour and half to get the outline/shading done, fast as hell if...
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i need to be tattooed again. like.. yesterday.
i can't wait to see finished pictorials.

ps i love twwly. i wish i had tv.
So the 3 week strike is finally over, and the instructors are back in the classrooms this following week. Which is nice, since I didn't pay tution for the government to hand me my credits without learning anything.

"Relient K - College Kids" (made a lot of sense, after all this)

Six days, till my next tattoo session getting my original pinup face design outlined...
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geez man.. you're everywhere.
good list of tunes buddy.
So joined SG, I dont really know why, but oh well it's another place to write shit down and vent...Packed all the living room stuff , 4 weeks till the big move... smile
welcome, this is indeed a wonderful place to write and vent. People, none of whom I've ever met, are amazing here...
Ohhh! I'm in crim, too +o)
Where ya moving to?