well i still have no internet access....but i get to play here sometimes.
so after the invasion of my house.....im moving out found a place in fallriver its beatufull.... but screwed up situation that i had to leave but hey christmass is almost here and im gonna go on a rant........

o k what the hell is up with people not callling christmass christmass.... i know we dont want to offend the people with religous holidays...but christmass is...
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?Hi you been doing? Hope you're having a good Christmas Eve, and Merry Christmas!
gooogle eart is fun im really hungry im gonna get some food soon......there are people invading my house its not home anymore were moving soon..........
Yeah, were are you going too? Sorry you're leaving. Thanks for the offering of the bed, i do appreciate it smile ANd i know what you mean, things will somehow work out. bu i am a crazy lonely lady sometimes. i get sad, way down deep..
Sorry to here that man, that sucks. Lanlords can be dicks. I've had some crap ass experiences myself. likewise, you come into spencers, i'll dance or something, and i suck at dancing, you'll feel better wink
I told ya somthing would come up.... shit!!! the weather is crazy right now .........ok so first it was snowing nothing strange, i live in new england...then it was raining again not strange. so i went out came home saw my house mates and holy shit...

within five minutes the wind is blowing 60 mph across my deck blowing over the deck set and smashing...
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i know who you are. Nope, i'd been seeing Les for about a month, if you could call it that. The last time i hung out with him was the night you saw us. All of a sudden he stopped hanging out with friends , me too. said he needed to figure himself out. Now i don't talk with him, or see him, and it sucks. I miss him. really liked him alot. Sean was the guy that didn't like sg.
holy fuck

im sitting here in a wifebeater and pants, was running around today in a halter top,

and i looks cold as shit there,

im kinda jealous.

soim sorry about the lack of updates but nothing exciting has gone on recently my grandma sent me a check for 100 dollars today not bad.....the house has heat we have pleanty of wood...work fine no intresting stories......i promise soon somthing worth writing about will come up soon
so i love pudding i have decided that pudding is great its yummy so many diffrent types and flavors pudding is the shit everyone must love pudding its like cake hell the band cake calls themselves cake because everyone loves cake but if they were called pudding i tell you they would be more succefull
are you drunk or stoned?
pudding is still cool.

it might be a bit of a wait,


but its soo fucking rad.

ok so well i guess i am a nazi now i have been buring books to heat the house..lol maybe not the wood comes friday all of it
i have pnemonia have no idea if thats how you spell it...it sucks i cant breeath.
so i have no hair will post a pic hopefully before it grows back... if anyone actually wants to see it....
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im growing mine.

is your head cold?
so absolutly nothing exciting has happend to me recently...well i got acsess to my own kitchen at a club nearby.. get to make what ever food i want to and keep the profits.
should be making an extra 2 or 3 bills a week with it...and im sure i will still have nothing to show for it... my keyboard has got mustard on it i...
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