i want to make music. i want people to be inspired by me.
thanks for saying i look like milla jovovich (it was some time ago now)
i friggin love her.
hope all is well in your land!
have you listened to other artists thar are on Dessa's label rhymesayers?
Woke up around 2pm today. I sleep in a lot. It's weird because even though it doesn't surprise me when I wake up after the day is already half gone.. I still feel guilty for sleeping through my youth. I guess the night used to be more interesting... but since I turned 18 and am independent I just want to be responsible which is...
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This is some of my writing.. I feel like this is a good place to share it.

I'm running out of options. I've literally come to a point where it's like, "Shit I'm screwed. I guess I'll write a memoir at 17". That's the logical course of action, right? Recently, and by recently I mean last week, I was arrested. Also, just this year I...
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I'm so intrigued by The Suicide Girls. It's a fascinating culture and I want to be apart of it. The way I look at things - within everyone feels that they are the one who is "different". So I respect everyone who has made this community their home base because regardless of why you are who you are, we have something in common. WE DON'T...
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