
I'm in grad school, my first semester. Library science. This shit's a lot of work. Good news, I've lost, like, 3 inches at least off my waist. I lost my scale in the move, so I don't know how many pounds that translates to. I also live somewhere that has winter. This will be an adventure.

Wish me luck!
I find putting my all in work all the time keeps my mind off sugary sweets of the winter season!
(Welcome to the frigid cold of snow btw! )
Studying Library Science is sexy, and I think 3 inches off the waiist translates to at least 12 lbs total, so keep up the good work smile I think you should set your sights on a full marathon...why not? If you're gonna go, go all the way! Good luck on your adventures!
So, I've been trying to figure out the BPMs of the songs in my music library so that I can make playlists that fit my running pace, and I've discovered two things. Thing 1: I have a lot more slow music than fast. Thing 2: BPM calculator things really need to be double checked by a person.

When I run, I like to do it...
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How about some mace?
This past weekend was a good one for making food, for me at least. I've gotten into the (bad) habit of picking up fast food or eating fries at the restaurant where I work or just snacking on junk, and I haven't had much motivation to get out of it. This past weekend, however, I made not only a batch of curried split pea soup...
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Watching Hellboy.

I can promise you two things. One: I'll always look this good; two: I'll never give up on you...ever.
Good quotes and big promises.
I just remembered that I had a dream about my grandmother last night, so I want to get it down before I forget it completely. My grandmother passed on in October, after a year-long battle with esophageal cancer, and I haven't dreamt about her since.

Anyway, the dream. My whole family was gathering for some reason, and Grandma was assigning us all rooms. I had...
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I ran 2.5 miles yesterday! Proud of myself. I'm doing a 5k on the 27th, so hopefully I'll be able to run 3 by then. Sometimes, I wish I had a running buddy, cause I'm really bad at holding myself to a schedule. Oh, well.
keep it up! as long as you can run 2.5, you can totally do 3. good for you! i would be your running partner smile
Keep pushing yourself in many areas,I believe in you and know that it's nice to see one step forwards dearsmilelol I wish I could run that many miles but me nahh I wobble haha
so.. school really sucks sometimes (teaching it, at least). i guess everything does though. i would give my left foot to be just a student again.. no responsibility, nobody depending on me but me and the cats. i dream about being a paper-pusher or a garbage person or working at hobby lobby. only 1 3/4 years left here. then maybe i'll be a librarian. or...
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I LOVE your bonsai. You'll have to let me know when you get more work on it. Also, in your profile picture, it looks like you have more work around your skull, do you have a picture of that?