So i hung out with that girl tonight and we had so much fun, until i almost died on a piece of chicken. I seriously stoped breathing for like 5 mins. but im ok now thank god. Just goes to show how easy life can just end. And how bad would that suck if i died from chicken, i mean seriously. That would be a...
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chicken is deadly i agree
And you know, if you died choking on chicken... what the fuck would your friends say afterward?

Your death would forever be a punchline. There'd be uncomfortable chuckles at every class reunion.
Well good news, i went to the building department, and I got that girls number. She is very nice and we are going to hang out this weekend. Im stoked cause i dont feel like a looser. And other good news, I lost another 10 pounds, so now i lost a total of 40 pounds, and down to 220. I feel so much better loosing...
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wow good for you im glad you got the guts to ask her..congrats on the weight too kiss
im so glad she said yes aand congratulations on losing the weight thats a really hard thing to do keep workin at it but dont turn into one if those stick thin breakable boys smile
Well im at work, i work for a local architect firm out here in Vegas, and I had to go to the Building department, and there was a cute girl working at the counter. and i think she was flirting with me, but im really bad with that kind of stuff so i really didnt know if she was or not, but im going back...
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ya highschool i got homeschooled and took my ged early then this year i decided i wanted to save lives so im in class for emt i lov eit i just really will miss my class they drop me off of stretchers and pick on me and we all just have a good time acting like we actually know what were doing but its a lifelong dream i finally had the urge to fulfill so ya know thats how it goes
anyhow as far as that girl in workin the counter i hope she gives u some digits but if not dont think of it as lookin like an ass look at it as someone missin out on a good guy what really do you have to lose the worst thing that could happen is she'll say no her loss not yours anyhow good luck hope work goes well writ me back later and thanks for the compliments
hah well sometimes its better to make an ass out of yourself then to never know
So to day is just going to be a big bust. I was sposed to have this girl come over to my parents house and hang with me all day and she was sposed to be here at 10 and now it is going on 2. She says that she has to wait for her roommate to bring the key, but i think she is...
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did she end up showing up i hope so i hat ebeing dicked off its like you plan so hard for something and then it falls through well any how i hope everything worked out good leave me a comment sometime let me know whats up
ok, so my friend the is ditching me when we were going to go to mexico is wanting me to call him right now and tell him that there is a fake emergency so he can leave this girl that he is with right now, cause it was an old friend and she is ugly, so what should i do?
OK, so shitty day today,
My best friend is bailing on me.
We are sposed to go to Los Cobo San Lucos, Mexico at the end of the month. He always bails on me with shit like this, it gets annoying. So anyway, i had a shitty day because of that. So if anyone wants to go to Mexico with me Send me a message.
All right, now for the people that live in Vegas, there is a bar in town that just got re-opened. Its called the Gathering Pub, it is owned my some friends of mine and they are bad ass, you have to check it out, its on Twain and Paradise. They also have a myspace for the pub, just search for it under "Gathering Pub", they...
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thank you for the add hope you send me a comment sometime you definately watch my kind of tv