Captains Log
Star-date : 0008

I haven't updated this in a long ass time. Sending my love to everyone who knows me. Jill I fucking love your new photoshoot, keep up the good work :-)! I'll see everyone around when I have more shit to post about.

C-Kirk Out.
Captains Log:
Star Date 0007...

I haven't updated this in awhile. So here goes.

Well I've been getting introuble for my anger towards alot of people. I have anger problems I know, but I seriously have to lay of treating my friends like shit while I vent. If I hurt anyone I wish to apologize.

Well with that out of the way. I have been...
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Captains Log...
Star Date - 0006

I just saw one of the few highlights of my life...and it resides in http://www.kingkongmovie.com/ ...

Thats RIGHT! King Kong the fucking movie has been redone and looks fucking P-I-M-P. Sorry but I loved the original with King Kong Versus T-Rex and in this one they did it. Graphics look amazing, actors are known. It looks like a good...
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haha that's some fucking hot shit right there.
Captains Log : Star-Date 0005

Yesterday was my Birff-Day! Weee, Even though I am going getting stuff from my relatives and such, I think that it would be cool to get a car. Someone send me a car? Please? frown Anyway just posting again, 4:17 am in the morning and I gotta work in like 6 hours. I'll sleep when I die. Later!

Captain Kirk
thank you!
that's so sweet of you to put me in your favorites! smile
Captain's Log : Star-Date : 0004

Reinstalling WoW 8:30 am -.- Fucking reformating. Oh well, I'll catch you guys later.

Captain out
Thank you! and Happy Birthday!!

Happy birthday! biggrin
Captain's Log : Star-Date 0003

Uber-Fucking tired right now, it is 4:51 AM and I gotta work in 3 hours? Something like that, well anyway just posting to let you guys know even though you prolly all don't give a fuck. Night kids.

-Captain Kirk
Captains Log: Star-Date - 0002

Installing a demo for Act of War cause I wanna see how pimp everyone is saying it is. Considering installing my webcam on here while I sleep so everyone can wave their private parts at me while I am dreaming of a sheep. I'll post more later...

-Captain Kirk Out
this post is so NerdXcore...I am loving it ^_^ kiss
Captains Log 0001


Aiight so Tea is good for you, Ya? Ya... I'm on my 6th cup of tea right now...Gotta go into work in an hour and a half. H-a-t-i-n-g it. Take me away from the work and the big hairy man who tells me to do sexual favors for him? frown

So yeah...Tea is good x.x

hello there smile