I am sure most of you have heard a little something about the killings at Virginia tech by this kid by the name of Cho. I have scoured the internet looking for more information on this kid, and it makes me sad. Not him, but the way he was treated growing up.

He was picked on constantly in middle school, highschool, and college for being...
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Some of the greatest psychological minds ever to walk the earth purposed a theory that we do not act upon anything, that we only react to the environment. The stimulus that gets us to react might only filter thru to the unconscious where we act upon it. The reaction where the "dominos" start to fall is deep below our perception, consciousness, and knowledge. The dominos...
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I am stitting on the toilet in the bathroom writing this blog right now. NO I am not taking a poo, I just came in here because its quiet and I need to think, and of course this is where my "special friend" lives. I came in here today because of the fucking internet. I stumbled across someone's webpage that I havent been to in...
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I say go ahead, I don't think altering appearance is too big a deal. And maybe that money will allow you to express yourself more in the future.
Tough spot...the money would be nice. I have always refused to take out my piercings and/or cover my tattoos. I won't lie, it has cost me a few jobs, but it's a choice you have to make...Good luck! love
Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
~Dali Lama~

Nothing much has been going on lately. Working my balls off and missing my girlfriend. We are on different scedules so we dont get much time together other than an hour here, and hour there and when we randomly get the same day off.

So aparently I am a big dork. I...
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So lately I have been going into work stoned. I never used to do that. My job is just so damned boring and I dont need to think, so I have been going in baked. No one even notices. I think everyone else might be high too but they are all "hush hush" about it. So that always makes me wonder how many people out...
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I take pain pills, anxiety pills, and chemo on the job...(well not chemo now) so, is one different from the other????

no, not really

The other night me and my "special friend" were sitting in the bathroom enjoying our other... "special little friend", and we were talking and laughing and some how our conversation got pulled towards cigarettes. Now, neither of us smoke cigarettes anymore and we have never talked about cigarettes. Then both of us notice an empty cigarette box sitting on top of the garbage in the...
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Man, that is some funny shit. I'm still counting up the special friends. I know what your talking about though. I quit smoking seven years ago and I'm ok with it but just one long drag on a moviescreen gives me the shakes and cold sweats.
I got a job finally. I am gonna be a server at some place called Uno's grill. I guess its like a pizza place/Bennigans type of thing. Ive never been in before today.
hmmmmmm, at least you're moved and have internet smile
and now I have a nice warm place to visit.....haha
Happy early birthday! And congrats on the new job.
Ugh, I am trying to find a J.O.B. right now, and it is stressful. Some jobs calling me back, some places offering me jobs but at shitty pay. There is a place that is offering 15/hr and I am pretty stoked with that. That is prolly going to be my choice, but I dont know if I am going to like it. Time shall tell.
Job hunting blows...I will be doing it soon enough myself as well. Good luck. smile
So I am trying to talk a few different girls I know into bed with mygirlfriend and I. Im pretty sure that I have one of them all set up for the fun stuff......my girlfriend is into it, I think the girls I am talking to are into it...now I jsut have to get all of them to meet and say hello and see how...
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Being a geek is fun. I enjoy it very much myself. tongue And how is everything else going?
geekdom, I'm some sorta damn royalty there......
where ya been...what's going on?
miss our talks..... blush kiss
Man, I didnt go to bed last night till almost 3...I could sleep. So I ended up watching the Matrix re-loaded on cable.....it was better the first time I saw it.
Well, I am also an insomniac, but have survived cable free for the last 7 years..... my parents never had it so I didn't feel the need.......meh- go thru about 1 or 2 playstations a year....I wear the shit out of them..haha kiss
haha, my playstation just kicked the bucket a few weeks ago...and now, I have none....so Ive taken up reading.