K everyone... or no one depeneds on who reads it. I Will no longer be active on the site as of apr 16th if you would like to keep in touch with me please hit me up for alternate means. Thanks it has been fun. ~Aaron
My friend Patrick whom has been living across from me for a little over a year now has just had his first book published!!! Kingdom Behind a Mirror By Patrick Murray. If you are into fantasy books please check it out. I suggested he make a myspace for himself but he is old fashion and would just rather me tell you about it. If you...
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Fuck.... I am truly lost right now...
I moved to Phoenix Oct 3rd of 2006, was employed by a College by the 23rd. I went and got myself a nice apartment and have been doing well even with the absence of my truck since January. I have been able to get to work because I got a fairly pricey apartment because I did not think...
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Okay a few things... 1) I am hearing to many complaints about my lack of pictures. Working on it. 2) I have been on this site for a while now and slowly but surely am starting to feel like I belong here. So I will be posting my videos here, or you can see some of them here or all of them at www.myspace.com/randomclips 3)...
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Shit hot so whats new... Well December is looking like it will be a cool month... December 6th Dane Cook December 8th Christmas party December 9th Social Distortion... Ah sounds like a great week. I needed a vacation.. all I wanna know.. is who is going with me?? Oh and some where in there I will be going back to Cali for a visit.
LMAO I miss California....

FRIENDS: Tell you not to do something stupid when drunk
CALIFORNIA FRIENDS: Will post 360 degree security so you dont get caught peeing

FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs
CALIFORNIA FRIENDS: Call your parents drunk as hell and tell them about the fat chick you tried to pick up

FRIENDS: Hope the night out drinking goes smoothly, and hope that...
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So here I sit, bored to tears... I thought to myself I need something new. I have moved to the Valley of sun Leaving behind everything I have ever known to exploit my artistic mind. So far I have achived this, yet have still made up for the social life I once had. It is a lose lose thing I guess.. Stay home where everyone...
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Well, #1 why the hell did you pick Phoenix of all place in the lovely US of A, Phoenix? Well, I'm a little biased as well, I have lived in the crap hole my entire life. I guess I like it, but a change would be great. For instance, I hope it rains tomorrow.
I am wondering where you moved from, and what type of friends did you have for the last 15 years, thats a long time! I guess I've only had 1 friend that I still speak with that I have known that long.
Welcome to SG, its ok that you look at naked girls, I do too. It is an art and I think you are the only man who has stated that on this website!