From xsntt


Bplusultra is the Ne Plus Ultra of friends.

Go no further if you are looking to find a really genuine person out there to give you a delightfully unique yet compelling insight into the world.

He is well-informed, always, and highly intelligent. Rarely will you find a less self-conscious, less arrogant, less egotistical person of great intelligence. He is a modern Renaissance man, but don't tell him I said so, because he hardly knows it. He is genuinely modest and unassuming.

He is a person who will tell you honestly what you are best at, with a high degree of accuracy, and will help you achieve the highest level of your ability -all without insistence on some kind of reward. He knows how to stroke your ego while not stroking his own, and how to put you in your best light...all without you seeing how well he is propping you up with his fine support.

BPlusUltra is a truly unusual gem and if you look into his many facets long enough you start to see yourself reflected back in sparkling detail. He will show you yourself, in your best light, and frame your most passed over works in the art gallery next to a Rembrandt!

It may not always be easy to return the favor when it comes to someone who doesn't naturally soak up compliments like a sponge, but I hope this testimonial can start to pay back the substantial advance in positive emotions he has paid me over the years!!