
Our ice was melting
in the mid-afternoon sun,
as we stood holding hands -
waiting for someone,
anyone to stop.

But they didn't bother
to slow their pace in the heat of July -
never noticing your curly locks
blowing in the hot summer breeze.

I didn't mind -
for you were there
beside me, laughing away the day's hot breath -
as we
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I take pills
just to dream again -
reliving a stable past, and
hiding from the instability of the future.

I love LOVE LOVE this


I’d swear to God
if I believed he existed,
or gave some sort of sign
I could trust—

to believe in anything real
beneath all the fake shit
we seem to swallow
and keep inside ourselves,

forever living a lie
till the end.

to be forever ourselves should be enough


I know you’re scared -
so I will hold you close
as the sickness slowly erodes away
every part of you,

just as the waves of an angry sea
eats away the sandy beach where we first met.

And I know it isn't fair
why bad things happen,
but they do, and what’s done is done
and this time it’s you.

So know you’re
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Trapped Memories

It’s a dream until 5am

when the light burns tiny slits
in a window made to hold you here.

No rope, or mad phrases
just the fear of being alone.

And it’s times like this
when the words just don’t come out as they should.

So tomorrow it is
when I can tell you this

“I miss you my darling”

without leaving this
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