Okay, so I need to start updating this thing more often./

As I'm sure you all know, the Sabres lost in the 3rd round of the playoffs. Nickel City lets out yet another sigh of disappointment for it's sports teams.

I work all the time, but I have absoulty nothing to show for it.

Kate and I are wonderful. Rather, she's wonderful to me. Prom...
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If you'd like we can hunt for cars together.

Then we can both cry because we can't afford them.

Man, life is awesome.
beware the ides of march
I love the Glen Falls picture. Not because Jessi or you look particularly stunning, but because I miss Glen Park.
You should really update this thing more often.
Weather for Kent, OH for the next several days:

-Saturday: 61, warm showers
-Sunday: 67, thunderstorms
-Monday: 68, thunderstorms

Spring time for Pat Burke and KSU.
So....I should update more.

Not now though. Later.

Thursday night. Probably being DD tonight again, but at least I get Burger King fries out of it. Joy.

So my list of things I received as part of this year's Festivus extravaganza:

-From Russia With Love video game
-Call of Duty 2: Big Red One video game
-Shirt from the GAP
-Jeans from the GAP
-2 sets of different colognes
-Tons of socks (I really needed some badly)
-Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk
-Diary: A Novel, ibid.
-Blood in the Argonne novel about my...
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Well, not much to update about today.

It's literally 9 degrees outside right now. I went for a walk about an hour ago (which lasted only like 30 minutes tops) and I still cannot feel my toes. Hooray for wearing Chuck Taylors in the middle of Decemeber.

I applyed for the Hub today at school, mainly for next semester. They also said I might have...
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this weather sucks. why do we live in buffalo? seriously... i dont get it. i refuse to go outside until april.
Oh I know. I just drove home yesterday in a blizzard from my school in Ohio. Only, the blizzard exsisted between the Fredonia and Orchard Park exits. Gotta love it I guess?
Well, at least one Buffalo team had the balls to put a W in the column of their records.

Final score: Sabres 6, Alvalanche 4.


So I talked to Katy for about 2 and a half hours post-football controversy in this little boy's mind. I do remember that we talked about (jokingly of course) how I want to just drop out of school this semester if something bad happens again, in terms of our collective lives. Don't know what I'm talking about? Maybe I should give you the rundown of...
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So yeah, way to be humanity....

God I hate people right now.
Home in one week for an extra-long thanksgivnig break.

Fucking excited.