Oy, my loins. I need another cigarette.

So, we made the trek up to Calgary for the Suicide Girls Burlesque Road Show, or whatever the fuck its called. It was a 2 hour drive, followed by a few hours of shopping, an excellent Greek dinner, and then 4 hours of standing. This was of course followed by an hour of getting out of town (disregarding...
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Hi monkey friend. What jungle you from. what do you think of hairless ape? do you like nanas or papayas???
Greetings Danish simian friends!

I hail from the pristine nordic jungles of Canadia, where the finest in tropical pinecones can be found in droves. I spent my youth swinging from lodgepole pine to lodgepole pine in search of find female monkeys with which to experement - you know, Monkey Doctor and all that.

I'll take papayas over bananas. At least until some ditzy american crackpot songstress ruins them. But I guess they don't rhyme so good, I anticipate a wait.
So the SG girls are on the road again, and the wife says we absolutely positiviely have to go.

Well, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, right? I'll do my best, Jesus, I'll do my best.

OLP played the local hockey rink last night. I've hardly listened to their latest album, but it was a good show. Feet sore, slightly hungover, and very tired since the wife had to drop me off at 7:00 AM. It was our 3rd wedding anniversary last night, and since the wife has a huge thing for Rayne Maida so it was a good way to...
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So it looks like I'm going to get fucked at work. Not the nice fucked, the bad fucked.

Why couldn't it be the nice fucked?

Because the nice fucked rarely happens when you want it to.
So we painted our shed this weekend. I'd post some pics, but I've not taken any and its really not that exciting. Also, I'm kind of drunk.

See, the best thing to do on a hot Sunday after one does a lot of hard work is to get a big bottle of rum, a lot of ice, some strawberries, and make a fuck load of...
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Clothing shopping tonight. The typical mid-range menswear stores since this was for stuffy work clothes.

So we balanced the equation by having sex in the change room. It was actually pretty hot stuff - she was just going to give me head, and ducked in every time she brought me new pants for 30 seconds or so of oral. But, eventually, I decided enough was...
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HOT! i'll have to try that sometime.
*looks mischevious*
Oh lord. So tired this morning and a XL coffee can only do so much. I'm crawling under my desk for a nap.

But, in related news, SG chat can actually be a hoot at the right time with the right people.


Hahaha, chat can be hilarious at times. it can also be raunchy and pornographic
Yes, but that is just good people doing their part to make the world a better place.
God damned Oilers.

That is all, but beneath those three words lies a smouldering nationalistic rage.
So, SG Chat, as expected.

After smoking a bit of weed before bed, stopped in on the SG chat last night. As expected, it was some girls and a bunch of guys trying to talk them into showing their boobs.


So, the paper says that OLP tickets were going on sale at 9 AM this morning. The online portal for the cities ticket centre...
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From my IM log. Megz, my 16 year old sister in law, just got a job at Starbucks.

3:04:39 PM apotheos@telus.net: I want a Non fat half caff tripple grande quarter sweet sugar free vanilla non-fat lactaid extra hot extra foamy caramel macchiato.

3:05:03 PM megz: biggrin
3:05:10 PM megz: got no idea how to do thatbiggrin
3:05:10 PM megz: lol
3:05:13 PM megz: BUt I...
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Space aliens.

Pursuant to yesterdays planning sessions in regards to the porn epics Analcaust and Analcaust II - The Reckoning, I want you all to know that Analcaust III - Subtitle TBA will focus on Space Aliens anally raping both the Jews and the Nazis. I think that to understand where this is coming from you really needed to know that. (we pitched Area 69...
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