Sorry having lots of problems right now.Scott is really sick with the flu,and im having problems with Aol,and the electricty in my house.Ive got people here working on it.Ill be back on soon.Promise.I soooooo miss you Squiggles kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
AHHH! STop! You are so close yet so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! frown
Yay!!!!! smile
Hello.Sorry we are having electricity problems in my Hood.Im now at Kinkos writing this.Fun ...We are both Ok .hopefully we will have things fixed soon. love and peace.. love smile
I love rotten.com...where are you? I tried emailing you but my emails keep bouncing back....you should call me. kiss
Fuck come on. I don't like this one bit. I am going through withdrawals! puke puke puke puke frown
Still working. need sleep and a woman. LOts of booze.......well not lots of booze. talk when i can
love kiss
What is your choice booze?

Hope your night is full of booze and women - or at least just happy. wink biggrin
Come back please. I miss you. frown
Im back.new computer.its a dell dude.weather here sucks.cant race in the snow. blackeyed ooo aaa miao!! bok oink EL SUICIDO LOCO blush eeek frown smile love
Weather sucks everywhere except in Florida it was 77 degrees today. frown
I want to go to Florida. I want to be warm and half naked and on a beach and in the ocean and I want to see manatees and egrets and herons and pelicans and evil spiders and crab grass and ... did I mention that I want to go to Florida? Thank goodness for Scottsdale in March cept that I have to fly. frown

Glad you are back. Missed you! (and Scott) kiss
my comp died i will get back on as soon as i can were ok Squiggly
love love love love love love love love love love love kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Well, that sucks. Damn computers! Thanks for the jokes! biggrin
argh! I hate it when computers crap out. mad
You had better get back soon. It isn't the same without you. kiss
I really could use a nice cold frosty beer right about now.Maybe a shot of 151.HUmmmmmmm.Well everything is cool today.Hopefully planning a vaction for 3 wink wink ..other than that HOWS LIFE PEOPLE!!!!!!!! biggrin ooo aaa miao!! bok oink
Darlin' no one knows you are on here but me really. You are going to have to write inother peoples journals and stuff so that they know you are here. smile

I am sure you are probably sick of hearing from me all the time anyway. wink

kiss kiss kiss kiss
I have to make a comment again. You are too effing cute. smile
I bought 5 grand worth of parts for this guy lancer and he call me this morning saying that he now doesnt want those parts he wants cheaper ones cause daddy is no longer paying half for his car.Itold him he gets these or he looses his deposit like the recipt says,so he goes crying to his dad that Iwont give him his money back.His...
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Fuck that. I wouldn't give his money back either. He should have done his homework BEFORE leaving a deposit. You are safe because he signed the receipt that indicated your policy. He is threatening a lawyer to bully you. But to reiterate, you are safe because your receipt makes it as clear as day. Disneyland in California? You are teasing me, right? confused

P.S. I just did an intense cardio workout and I got a really bad cramp in my hamstrings. Ouch! puke
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad People make me crazy.when im not so mad ill say somethig else
A customer? A relative? Someone you were driving behind? Who, who who???

Aww...babe..you listed me as a crush? You are so sweet. blush

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
today i built a 1986 buick grand national for a guy.he wanted fast i gave him fast. we took it to the track and it does 9.6 in 1/4 mile at 187mph.WOW. got big bucks for it 2.Scott was very happy when i came home with a new toy for him today..hes so adorable icould just hug him and never let go.Watch out ladies he...
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Hi scott!! kiss kiss kiss kiss
Wow that is pretty fast! Really hot! love
What new toy did you get scott?? confused
I ve had enough of thinking of my problems for now...Today only free advice on car problems..like how much will squiggly pay to fix her car ...the line is open lets talk cars!!!!! love kiss kiss kiss just joking around with ya squiggles kiss
hehe...thanks cutie.....when are you going to post some pics? Can you at least send one to me so I have a face with the words?
I can't believe my car issues. I literally JUST got the rear suspension fixed and I hit this huge pothole and now my front left is all screwed up. I will probably need to rep[lace the arm and then it snowballs from there. I am taking it to be more thouroughly checked out on Tuesday and I will talk to you about it again then. Are you proficient in this area?

Talk to you soon. kiss