Hehe.... okay so how exactly do I post photos in the groups I join???? Can someone help my silly self?? I have so much I want to share but sometimes I need help navigating new platforms <3

In each group, there are threads. To post a pic to a specific thread, go to the bottom to the "write a comment" section, click on it. There you'll find several options, one of them is "ATTACH". By clicking on it, you'll be able to browse for the pic you want to upload. ;) Oh, another thing, each group has its own rules, so take a moment to read them before posting and/or creating new threads. It might seem a little difficult to post and interact at first, but you'll get used to it pretty quick. If you need anything, DM me and I'll try my best to help you 💕
thank you SO much ! you are such a sweetie for helping me. I appreciate it beauty!