and my days of exams begin soon so i must corner myself and study
happy birthday smile
So my house has turned into a warzone!!! A bunch of my brothers bought airsoft guns and we continue to have battle throughout all 4 levels. The fire escape has turned into an emergency exit in case you get cornered.

now i'm going to go hop in the shower and exam the eight thousand welts all over my body
Thanks! geez u better take it easy with the guns. u know...it's all fun & games til ....uh...make up the rest smile geez what a lame comment. am i still gonna click 'submit' then? heck yes i am!
have fun!!! biggrin
Well today I finally got done with all my tests and papers.
Thank god!

So i'm working on my tattoo i'll post a pic of what i decide on, but it will take awhile prolly.

Anyways went and saw THE FOG with some friends. Pretty ridiculous teen "scary" flick easily predictable, but i still liked it.

Well i'm gonna go die my buddies hair so...
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Thanks for the adding me smile
Life is crazy as hell here as usual just saying hi since it's been forever since i last wrote somethin

so ya cool
HI! biggrin
Edward Scissorhands

Hooray Tim Burton smile
I loved that movie!!! Actually, I love alot of movies starring Johnny Depp come to think of it!

Hope all is good!
well today was my best friends 21st and work also finally just ended so I can relax and have a life once again.

My tattoo designs should be done soon and i'll post em when i can.

happy bday to your friend! smile
enjoy your time off!!! tongue
i swear i'm not gonna leave for long ever again. I guess i owe, MarloSki especially, an explanation. Basically it comes down to 2 things trying to boost my grades and my ex girlfriend (who I was dating at the time). Anyway I have returned for all new fun. I'm happy
biggrin just glad to see you back!!!

well i'm back to updating again

Devils Rejects was awesome in my opinion

Now time for some 40's and being good ol wingman for my best friend
hey! welcome back!!! biggrin
wow so it's been forever since i wrote I've been extremely busy with work and life and school. Anyways just sayin hi to all checkin in

was wondering about you and where you've been!!! confused