everything sg

The place to talk, ask questions, and make suggestions about SG and everything related to it: the site, the merch, the live shows, and more! Announcements made here.

sg sets in member review

This is a place for SUICIDEGIRLS ONLY to post sets up for Member Review. IF YOU ARE NOT A SUICIDEGIRL YET, you can post in the monthly thread in the Hopefuls group.

food & drink

All things related to eating and drinking! Recipes, favorite restaurants, meal prep tips, food photos - It's all welcome here! Feel free to write to @pistache (actual moderator) if you need some help.

suicidegirls burlesque

This is a group for anyone interested in the Suicide Girls Live Show. Here is where you can find tour dates, audition information, local shows, news, contests and talk about anything burlesque or touring.


Display your latest creations, discuss your favourite filters, look for help and advice, take part in a photoshop challenge!!

Classic Club

A group for fans of classic pin-ups, burlesque, and vintage beauty!


Movies, books, TV, comics, games, hobbies, interests, obsessions, anything and everything that affects your life and isn't covered in the other groups!