That didn't go very well. frown

Is it so bad to be single for the rest of your life?

First guitar lesson tomorrow! I have not played in a long time.
Well, Andy Warhol never had a known relationship with anyone. And look where he ended up! -- Rumored to have died from cum-poisoning from sucking off 50 guys in one night! (He really died of complications from gallbladder surgery, if I recall.)
I'm doing it again. My friends are setting me up with another blind date and I agreed to it. I just called her and she was busy, so she is going to call me back. I want to unplug my phone. blackeyed
I happened to just be reading this before checking SG and seeing your entry:

The "blind" date, that meeting with a stranger often arranged by a well-meaning friend or relative, is generally preferred by people who like surprises, who never get around to meeting others, or who may be "commitment phobic." Perhaps due to their shock value, horror stories about blind dates tend to outnumber happily-ever-after tales, but good news rarely makes headlines. Tell friends and family that you're interested and looking, and remember to thank them for any introductions, no matter what happens.

Article is here:
I bowled a 136!!!!!! That's my highest score ever! I actually beat some people!
She emailed me back!!!

Her DSL was on the fritz, so she wasn't able to access her messages.

However, instead of a date, she wants to get together with the group again and go bowling. Is she just extremely shy or does she just not dig me? I guess I have to take things really slowly with a person like this.

I just signed up...
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She's probably seeking protection from the group. (You never know what people are expecting these days when it comes to dating.)
I'm feeling better! The drugs mixed with Mac&Cheese must be working! Time to hit the bars! Life is too short!
25 Hours frown
You know, I think the question here is, are you into her?

Because, if you're not ...

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

You have my number. tongue

aww hun,


SPOILERS! (Click to view)

you should stop thinking about it. tongue

The blind date turned into a double date with her friends (wife, husband, child). I'm glad it worked out that way. The conversation flows a lot better with more mouths.

Here's the breakdown:
- met them at Rain Forest Cafe in Downtown Disney
- she's from Japan and has lived here for the past 14 years
- HEAVY Japanese accent (I guess she doesn't speak...
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I think:

a) She is just culturally submissive.
b) you should only write, "enjoyed the day with you and..., looking forward to seeing you again. I will give you a call.
c) call, do not email to make plans
d) bring a condom.
holy crap, that is the cutest things ever!!! love

good luck on your date, i'm sure it will go swimmingly.
How'd the date go?!
The blind date lady caught the flu, so the thing has been postponed until Saturday. I'm still having my doubts. What if she doesn't like me? I'm pretty corny. We are going to an Italian place to have dinner. Should I not order the pizza (single size)? Will that make me look too immature? Should I order some fancy pasta dish instead? What kind of...
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You know, if you're the type that likes pizza, it's best to just get these things out of the way right off and not make any false impressions that would get in the way later on.