I'm not big on being online a lot, so sorry I don't post much..

Lately I have been having a lot going on, from trying to get functioning prosthetics to issues with my doctor.

My doctor decided she's going to take away my anxiety medication, that helps me in managing it. She did not give me any real reasons for doing this, I tried talking...
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@xux2909 I don't think she really cares what I'm going through honestly, I tried to talk with her about it and let her know she's doing it to fast but she don't care she's not gonna change it.. It's messed up how some doctors treat patients. All we want I'd help and to live as normal as possible
99% of the β€œmedical professionals,” who are becoming younger, and more interested in the easy money, bullshit titles, and a superiority complex. Are forgetting that their job description includes most importantly β€œfirst do no harm.” And letting legitimate people with legitimate issues, be treated like common junkies. I am responsible for my life. As are they. They make irresponsible choices. And cry about it when their dentist gave them a pain Med after a procedure. And refused to fill their 5th request for more pain meds. So they β€œ had to shoot up heroin.” Nobody put a gun to their head. They chose to do that. They are crying because they got busted.