From writer


Ah Brazil. A beautiful country, I hear. Perhaps you might be interested in doing the video on your phone or camera there and sending me the file. (You would need a person or a tripod to help you as this can't be a selfie.) I would send you $30 U.S. in advance via PayPal. I guess you speak English? You only have to say one line and the video is maybe 5 or 6 seconds only. This isn't porn it is for a national promotion for a book coming out in September here. I need the SG look for this clip. It will be used as a YouTube ad and probably on the website -- so you could get a lot of exposure. I'd just need you to sign an agreement saying I have rights to the clip. This would be pretty easy and if it works out will probably result in more work for you on this campaign. Thanks, Adrian :-) You can email me at