From soobie


Electric is this really friendly and witty and chatty woman who writes. A lot. She is one of the fastest typists I've ever come across. So fast that I have to ask her to slow down because I can't keep up. In fact, everything she does is fast. Really fast. Except when she's sleeping. Which she doesn't do a lot, probably because it's hard to sleep fast. And she takes these really awesome photos and paints these amazing pictures. Which you definitely have to ask her about. But the really scary thing is that each of her pictures must be worth at least 1,970 words. Which means I never had a chance of keeping up with the number words she generates. I did try at first, but then the realisation struck that it was a fruitless endeavour. Fruitless. Unlike her paintings and photos. They're not fruitless. I'm sure I saw some fruit in one of them. I'm not sure what type of fruit, but fruit it was. It was big and red with little touches of green on it. Some people may have mistaken it for a rose. But not me - I know my flora: And I'm not talking the brand of margarine, I can tell you that. Because Flora margarine is all soft and gooey - kind of like what Electric does to my insides. Oh wait, that was the ice cream I was eating. Dammit. I'm always mistaking her for strawberry ice cream .... mmmmm ..... strawberries. Love strawberries. Did I mention that I had a dream that Electric painted me a strawberry for Christmas? Or was that a rose? No, it was certainly a strawberry, because roses have thorns and I simply can't believe that I would dream about something with thorns. Which isn't to say Electric doesn't have thorns. We all do. But she has learnt to manage her thorns well. I think its from the discipline needed to do yoga every day. Every. Day. Dayumn. That's discipline. Self discipline even. Which is what you need if you're going to be a warrior. I'm sure with lots of self discipline, like the type needed to control thorns and do yoga everyday, you can be any type of warrior you want. So Electric, all I can say to you is this: Good Luck becoming the Warrior of your Dreams. Or is that my dreams? Damn, I forget.