Holy fuck, I completed the first draft of my third attempt at writing a book. My first attempt was something like ten years ago, and I managed to write about 49k words before I ran out of steam and abandoned it. My second book attempt was a mix of a series of short stories leading up to the book and I managed to write 36...
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@sorcerer333 hell yeah! I support that! I think any sort of writing offers the opportunity for self-reflection, growth, and accomplishment. A personal blog can be akin to a public journal.

You know what I will never understand? How a book series that glorifies grooming and pedophilia performed excessively well in public sales and merchandising. How many millions read and watched as a one hundred year old vampire wooed a minor, impregnated her, and had her child imprinted on by another adult? It’s disgusting. And yet so many celebrated each novel’s release. The culture around it...
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@sorcerer333 the Rebel is hella dense, but really good. Camus explores the drive and importance of rebellion and revolution, both in a personal sense and as a larger societal sense.
That’s right up my alley. I’ll have to give that a go, sometime.

Sporadically writing, and it’s kind of annoying. Once upon a time, not so long ago, I was consistently blogging in the evenings. And then a few shifts occurred and now I’m struggling to get back into a writing routine. I have, however, made some shifts to better focus on my writing projects. Currently, I am actively working on a novella, a psychophysiology-based publication, and a...
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Good on ya for putting the effort in. Sometimes I think that I missed my calling as a writer, but anxiety and depression often get the better of me. I hope this means we’ll be seeing more posts from you.
Thank you, @sorcerer333! I’m working on it. I thinking I’ll be back to blogging in the evenings soon, which works well for me, since I’m a night owl. With regard to anxiety and depression, those are two demons that are relentless; I hope you’ve found some reprieve from these in different areas of your life 🙏

Whoo it’s been a few days since my last post. I’ve been visiting with friends for the week and it’s been nice to general shift gears for a while. I’ve been getting lots of reading done, been grinding on the latest event in Tower of Fantasy, and I’ve had to get a little more creative with my workouts as the gym my friend goes to...
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I’m super stoked about the book I started writing in November. I’ve become rather impressed at the direction it’s taken, and the themes that are being drawn out of it. I’ve gotten really great feedback on what I’ve written so far, with the general consensus that people are excited to read it when it’s finished.

My problem is that I struggle to find the motivation...
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F. Scott Fitzgerald had it right when he said “you take a drink, the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you.” Shenanigans were aplenty yesterday, and the tequila was freely flowing, and I am definitely paying for the excess today. I think the biggest problem with being hungover is the total lack of drive to get anything done. I have a number of...
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Wow !!!! 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘 This is amazing💘💘💘 Thanks a lot for this fantastic poster 💘 I appreciate it a lot 💘 Muchas Gracias 💘💘💘
It’s my pleasure, @nerestorm 🙏♥️
Shampoo-conditioner combos, sample-packaged mouthwash, tiny bars of soap. The people I meet on each flight? They're single-serving friends.

—Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

I find momentary conversation interesting. There’s a world of experience out there, and much of it is relayed through story. Talking to people on planes and at bars provides ample opportunity to hear and experience those stories second hand. It’s pulp fiction in...
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Time slips away so easily. I thought I’d be good about blogging every day this week, and here we are on Friday, and I’ve missed Wednesday and Thursday. I wasn’t even particularly busy enough to have skipped out on blogging. There is, perhaps, much on my mind.

I’m always a last minute preparer. I will take care of things that need to be taken care...
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Amazing Blog💘 and amazing Poster! Love it💘
Thank you so much, @nerestorm!

Timing in publishing is a whole thing. Marketers pour over analytics and really dial down what day and time posts go up to get the most visibility and engagement. So many apps and tools are available to dive into the analytics for this purpose, and most of them cost money. Most platforms offer APIs you can run requests against to build your own metrics app,...
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Just when I think I’m getting back to some semblance of my old routine, something new drops and shakes things up further. While normally I accept chaos and run with it, there are times when I just want my boring life back. I can do without all these curve balls. Just gimme my coffee and my writing time and everything else can fall into place...
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@realwildangel agreed, Mihrimah is just gorgeous. Damnit, you all are here.
Thank you, @shines 🙏