It's been a while sincer I posted a blog here. Today is the day I've decided to quit smoking... again. Well, I did this once, and I'm about to do it again.

This is gonna be quite stressesful for me, but I feel like cigarretes aren't doing me good at all.

i really really hope you can do this finally quit and start to feel so much better, is a long way we know that but you can do it! i'm here for you if you need a friend
you've got this! quitting is hard but it's gonna do wonders for your health and well being!

I'm thinking about watching a horror movie, something scary, but I don't know which one.

It's difficult to find a scary one
I definitely recommend “Run”! https://g.co/kgs/QEbUhp

In the past days, I'm feeling that my mind is chaotic. It's hard to forget someone who used to be part of your life.

At the same time, I recently met a person who I always wanted to go out on a date. Wonderful person, by the way. It made me feel like it is possible to develop good feelings for someone again. Maybe I...
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It's almost 5 am here in my crountry, I am still drinking and I don't know why, but I feel kinda guilty about it.

Does anyone have driking problems?

Anyone who is reading this? Guys, gilrl, whatever?

Well, I do.

It's nice, but at the same time it sucks.

oh babe, I hope better days come!  take care of yourself ♥️