1, What are some things you love about spring?

The fact that winter is OVER!

2, Your favorite outdoor spring activities?

Being outside because the long Chicago winter is over

3, Favorite spring scents?

I love the smell of rain!

4, Any vacations, adventures or weekend getaways you've went on or have planned for this spring?

I’m actually trying to leave Illinois so hopefully wherever...
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Great answers!
@rare tysm! Hope you’re doing well!
When I was in college, I went to the shower room to get ready for bed. I get dressed outside side the shower stall and a little voice in my head said, “Look down…”. I did and to my utter horror I saw not one…but TWO cockroaches at least four inches in length. This was during break and apparently these things crawl up the pipes...
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@skisby *shudder*. NIGHTMARE! High school pal of mine grew up in Arizona and woke to find a black widow crawling on his chest
This is a terrible story. Without irony. I can't stand insects, especially if they are 4 inches and crawl in common areas 😖

I was tagged by the ever lovely @jadestone on 5 Things I Love & Hate”, now let’s roll the tape…

1. I love helping those most vulnerable…I’ve traveled a bit to Africa, serving with an organization that works with orphans,mstreet kids, and child headed households.

2. I love seeing people succeed and achieve their goals. Whether it’s getting their dream job, losing a ton of...
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oh nice! I really hate racism too
I love cooking too mate, same as mine. And I agree with your top 5 hates. Great blog mate!

This was taken about 11 years ago when I was in college. The picture was taken in our dorm lounge. The school was located in Chicago and had 2 men’s dorms and there was always pranks between both buildings. One of the guys on my floor (Jon) has a brother (Brandon) who lives in the other building. One day, Brandon found “Dennis” here in a...
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Nooooo not Dennis!! He had such a good life in your dorm! Long live Dennis!