Always found an infinity with Transformers, mix that with the Warhammer 40K universe, you've definitely got a winner. I find it theurapeutic physically, mentally and psychically fidget to end results. Sad most places are sold out of this set.


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Just got back from my trip from Northeast Cali to visit a friend for his Bday. Just got home after a 5 and half hour drive back home…

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Back into the open country…

Out last eve with an old college friend, celebrating our belated Bdays. Taureans. The Venus shared with Libras, and the Moon shared with Cancerians.


Been getting this gift bag ready for my labor union brother over the last two weeks. His Bday is today. Will be making the trek for 4.5 to 5 hours to his cabin up North, going a bit of a long drive.

Hopefully to get some fishing, BBQing, hikes, and campfire time in. Sure he’s going to put me to work on his chicken coup...
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I do miss the good ol' days

All female death metal band with members from the US and the Czech Republic fucking killing it! New EP in the works.

Like Crypta and Nervosa (whom I am lucky to see on Friday 5/24)
@sdawg74 Sick

Quesadilla with left over chicken, beef cutlets, pork ribs, bell peppers, hamaichi fish collar bone, and shrimp.

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Family get together to celebrate the May babies. Wish my family from Seattle could have been here, miss them. Great eats, and everyone shared their photos and stories from Japan and Mexico.

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Tomorrow we’ll celebrate all the May Birthdays, a few Taureans and a few Geminis. Taurus shares Venus with Libra (sensuality, love and affection) and the Moon with Cancer (emotion, care and nurturing). Gemini shares Mercury with Virgo, the planet of communication and memory. I was born in the Sun of Taurian, Moon in Virgo. I stand at the apex of the lands and seas, while...
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Cook at home
