Getting reacquainted and having a conversation over a beer. I’ve owned dozens of guitars here and there over the years. These have been my main go to’s. If I were to marry the best shotgun with the best rifle, with the best pistol, these would be it. Solid with every delivery and weapons of choice. They can take any amp and always blow minds, whether...
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yesssssssssss !!!!!!!!
@siete 💜

They started as hardcore punk, eventually recreated to indie rock. Some of my old school hardcore punk friends despise the fork on their road. I still carried on, as much as I highly enjoy their roots, but still enjoy them shedding the husks off their backs. Looking forward to their new album.

Just received a super belated Bday gift from my brother and sister in law. They’re so nice, I’m not even sure I want to open it.

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Happyyyy gift!!!

Most sweatshirts I own are all heavy cotton. They become heavier and crustier as times pass. Went into my Local Union Hall to resign the books. I picked it up, and from first touch, and knew it was mine. Super soft, super plush. Just washed it last night, now looking at the tag, 50% recycled polyester, 37% organic cotton, 13% rayon. Feels like I’m wearing...
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As an Ambassador for TO, it would be a pleasure to run this years current gens of Pro’s through the gamut. How do they stack up individually on the trails, pull trailers, fishing boats, and how much of a beating they can take. This also taking into consideration that these are all stock, and not heavily modded.


Power went out, and I woke up starving. 4,500 customers out of distribution power. Had to move a few ice packs from freezer to the fridge, just to make sure food doesn’t go bad. Whipped up meat loaf with beef, pork and shrimp. Then some garlic butter squash and zucchinis. At least gas is still working

And it looks delicious
yum! 🤤

So I decided to start working out again. 4 in 1 set. Need to find a nice bench to match. Apologies to the delivery driver

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Very well do it with everything
@siete yeah, I lost a lot of weight a few months ago from food poisoning. Been try to gain it back with protein and carbs, but need to burn off the fat back into muscle mass. Thank you for the support. I can get lazy at times

Second chapter just arrived from the highly acclaimed Carissa Broadbent. Can’t wait to delve back into her captivating magical words, world and enchantments.

Always found an infinity with Transformers, mix that with the Warhammer 40K universe, you've definitely got a winner. I find it theurapeutic physically, mentally and psychically fidget to end results. Sad most places are sold out of this set.


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Just got back from my trip from Northeast Cali to visit a friend for his Bday. Just got home after a 5 and half hour drive back home…

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