Member Since 2014

Big Girls Are Best - U2

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@missy @sash @ceres @zely @maevee  @heidimae @vxmpire@stormyent @tulipe @flareh  @cheshi @dojikko @mrshyde Ummm... I spoke toan SG from Montreal - and she said she wasn't a fan of U2.  Personally ifI could speak to the band - I would try and arrange something where the SGCommunity could get a group discount on tickets etc. Near the beginning of thelast decade U2 wrote a song called "Big Girls Are Better' - which was myattempt to make a plus size movement and to challenge conventions of beautythat were considered oppressive. Bono's wife Ali - started up a fashion businesscalled Edun (Nude spelled backwards) which I think had an ethical emphasis ofsome sort. (My life was then hi-jacked and I was silenced from 12 - 13 years -including a couple attempts on my life - and numerous death threats). Well - Iam alive today. And if any of the SG Community is interested in activism - Iencourage them to join the ONE Campaign. Through his efforts and desire toco-operate with many people that could have compromised the band's"cool" factor - Bono and U2 - has probably raised awareness - andraised more money than any religious organization or governmental organization.Personally if it wasn't for this band's spirit - I would probably be dead - ashis voice brought me through some prettyREALLY times. There is a FrenchCanadian Connection through one of his former producers "DanielLanois" who is definitely in my list of top 5 Canadian musicians - alongwith Neil Young and Leonard Cohen.
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