Just wanted to say Merry X-mas to everyone on SG, just got done spending the day volunteering for a homeless shelter, now it's time to spend the rest of the day with family and loved ones which I hope everyone is doing, and hope everyone is enjoying themselves!


I really hate to steal that phrase from the WWE, but when it comes to League of Legends, it's pretty accurate :D >:) Just going to post my last game on here for my fellow gamer friends

Wrecking and dunkin on scrubs

Add me on League - zombiefaace

Peace, hope all is well friends!



Finally got the job, and as I'm sitting here missing some cigarettes... I really wish I had to money to get some, oh well, hopefully I can start working by Monday (waiting on paperwork and etc) so I can start getting things taken care of soon!


Seems like these days are always finding my heart full of hatred and rage lately, questions as to why I'm so different, questions as to why I'm always picked last on the team, questions as to why I'm never good enough, I guess it makes me stronger as my arrogance and cocky side just kinda smirk and say "I'll show you world" but alas lately...
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Finally getting the car fixed! Got the money in the bank, and shouldn't be long now before I'm back in Texas, wish me luck SG Land! I need it! Just wish the car repair wasn't $1,500 worth, but it should all be ok once it's out of the shop!

New things with me
I picked up World of Warcraft again, can't wait to get the...
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Haha I just enjoy the area. So welcoming
Absolutely, you just can't beat the Texas Southern Hospitality!

@suttin came out with a new set and it's cute, check it out guys!


P.S. Moving back to Dallas Texas by the end of the month! Wish me luck!


Ugh I totally have a prostate infection, what a way to kick off your bday week, Monday turn 30, Friday get a finger up your butt... I'm over this week!!! >:O


Ugh, sorry man, that's rough
Thanks @griffxx yeah it's not comfortable at all :-(

It's my birthday in 3 hours, and I'm already tipsy, I'd say it's a good birthday, now I just need the lap dances to go with it? Bahahahaha jk jk

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


P.S. if you wanna leave boobies pictures on here as a b-day gift, I won't complain, lmao
P.P.S I'm kinda tipsy/drunk, sorry for any rudeness? :-X


League of Legends wait times to play SUCKS!!!!! >:O



Doctor Who starts August 23rd, can I get a like for all the Whovian's that are patiently waiting? I can't wait for Season 8 to start!
Just finished and caught up to Season 4 of Lost Girl, I think the series is over now, not sure, they killed off a lot of the cast...
Trying to catch up with The Walking Dead, currently on Season...
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